4-H Military Partnerships

Author: Marlene Verbrugge

2016 NAE4-HA Awards Applications

From NAE4-HA Newsletter – February 10, 2016

“We all do great work within our 4-H programs across the nation. Why not be recognized for that hard work? The Member Recognition Committee would like to encourage you to apply for an award as a member of NAE4-HA. There are a variety of awards that you can submit an application for, you can view the awards descriptions and apply for them here http://www.nae4ha.com/awards. All awards must be submitted into the online system by March 1, 2016. If you have any questions about the awards we encourage you to contact your Member Recognition State Contact.” Continue reading “2016 NAE4-HA Awards Applications”

4-H Military Partnership Report 2016

Due to the multiple issues last year with the report saving information in Qualtrics, the 2016 report will be entered into Access (requested information will be the same as 2015). Qualtrics will still be used as the system to get the report to the reporter and submitted back to KSU. KSU technology staff feels the issue was with Qualtrics updating their system over the year with the pre-fill links. Knowing all systems need updating, we will use only the basic technology of this system. Qualtrics provides the Continue reading “4-H Military Partnership Report 2016”