Butler County 4-H News

Leader’s Lounge

Oh My—Only 4 months are left in this 4-H Year!


_____4-H Forecaster for important dates

_____Review information with your club



_____Start preparing for fair: club displays, banners, etc.

_____Work with youth to update pin apps & KAP if already started

_____Project Leaders conducting meetings

_____Check club mail-box at Extension Office

_____Check club’s progress toward club goals.

_____Have families read the Fair Book

_____Parent’s committee recruitment started for the next 4-H year (Oct. 1)

 It’s All in the Details!!!

Please encourage your families to read the Fair Book CAREFULLY. There’s lots of information and details in there. This is the one stop shop for the majority of the information families need. If they have specific questions, reference the Fair Book first, then help them and if you are unable to answer the questions, please have them contact us. Please promote responsibility and organization!!

DON’T FORGET Fair pre-entries are due July 1st!