Kansas State University


College of Education

Congratulations! You’re Not a Rookie Teacher Anymore!

congratsIn just a few short weeks, you will have completed your first year of teaching! That is cause for celebration! We not-so-rookie teachers know the first year is a challenging one–new duties, new students, new environment, new rules and traditions. And all of us at the College of Education salute you for your accomplishments!

You’ve become a master at figuring out that, among other things, you really DIDN’T lose every assignment the student says she turned in. You DID figure out which parents and guardians go with which child during your first-ever parent-teacher conferences. You DID (finally, with numerous reminders from the office staff) remember to take lunch count at the beginning of every day.

As some of our students have stated, after teaching their first lesson in field experiences, “This isn’t as easy as it looks.” We definitely know it isn’t easy, and we hope we’ve served as a resource for you – or at least brightened your day now and then by hearing from some of your former professors.

In this, our final issue of our inaugural year of “Before the Bell,” we wish you many years of success – many bells, many lunch counts, and many learning experiences for you and your future students. And we hope you’ll always turn to us for resources and inspiration. Keep in touch!

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We’d love to hear from you, so please email us at lagoodson@k-state.edu.

Go, COE Cats!