Kansas State University


College of Education

Congratulations and Welcome to Your New School Year!

A quick look at the calendar—and at all the sales in the local stores—reminds you that it’s August, and a new school year has arrived.

It is your first school year as a teacher, however, and that makes this August just a little more significant than all those others that have come before it.

Today, you’re not shopping for a book bag or new school shoes; you’re shopping for ideas to help you have a successful start to your career.

We remember quite well the excitement—and the nerves—as you enter our classroom for the first time.  You’re jittery with excitement, yet, as with any new venture, you’re also a little nervous that you’re not prepared. What if…?

The good news is Kansas State University’s College of Education is here to help.  This newsletter is designed to give you specific and practical tips to help you successfully navigate through your first year of teaching.  You will find topics that address various issues as the school year moves along—from setting up your classroom to preparing for conferences with parents to wrapping up your room for the summer.

We hope you’ll enjoy our ideas and suggestions and keep in touch with us as you move through lesson plans, lunch counts, and assessments.  It’s our way of reminding you that you’re not alone…and that the COE Wildcats are here to support you in any way possible.