Harvey County

Tag: Research

Extensive Plant Research

Kansas State University has a horticulture research center just south of Wichita named the John C. Pair Horticultural Center.  Extensive plant research is done at the center.  In 2007 they established a National Elm Trial with 18 cultivars. All of these are Dutch Elm Disease (DED) Resistant with 4 being true American elms.  The remainder are either hybrids or other elm species. Here are results of the trial with notes:

The four true American elms are ‘Valley Forge’, ‘Princeton’,

‘New Harmony’ and ‘Lewis and Clark’ (Prairie Expedition). All

have shown excellent tolerance to DED. Characteristics listed

below are primarily from our study at the John C. Pair Horticultural Center

but storm breakage is from the University of Minnesota. Continue reading “Extensive Plant Research”