Kansas State University


K-State Parents and Family Program

Lafene Health Center: Flu Shots Available


Finals are just around the corner. Help your student stay healthy. The Lafene Health Center will provide flu vaccine walk-in clinics for K-State students on Nov. 20 and on Dec. 4 and 11. Check out the Lafene Health Center website for more information.

Flu Vaccine Walk-in Clinic Dates

November 20
December 4 and 11

Clinic Hours: 8:30-11:30 AM and 1:00-4:00 PM

Please make sure your student has their K-State ID and insurance information. The cost is $17 for students and $22 for non-students. The vaccine is NOT available at Lafene Health Center to pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. Please consult your primary care provider regarding vaccination.