Contact Your Local Extension Office!

COVID-19 Continuity of Operations

March 17, 2020

To Whom It May Concern,

The Post Rock District is a dedicated team with a strong skillset, and we will continue to help you solve problems, make sound decisions, and improve quality of life!

Post Rock District programs, meetings, events, and activities will not take place in a face-to-face format, regardless of group size, until further notice. This applies to anything facilitated by staff, volunteers, partners, and directed toward KSRE target audiences. Our team will make reasonable efforts to extend the mission of KSRE to local constituents and to conduct regular business through digital delivery strategies.

Until it is safe for regular face-to-face interaction, the Post Rock District Offices will be implementing a soft closure. This means there will be no walk-in traffic to the offices, and doors will remain locked. Office visits will be granted by appointment only, with social distancing and other relevant health precautions taken into consideration. Additionally, all traffic in and out of the office will be documented, collecting names of all parties and contact phone numbers.

Please visit the Post Rock District website at for local and district event updates. We are also using email, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep you informed.

Contact a local office by phone to access the Post Rock District Team. While complete contact information, including staff emails, can be found at our website, our office phone numbers are:

Beloit: 785-738-3597
Lincoln: 785-524-4432
Mankato: 785-378-3174
Osborne: 785-346-2521
Smith Center: 785-282-6823

The Post Rock District Board has an approved Continuity of Operations Plan in place, and will update the plan as necessary. K-State Research and Extension is committed to the health, wellness and safety of our staff, volunteers, target audiences, and communities during this time of risk related to COVID-19.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Nora Rhoades
Post Rock District Director

By: Nora Rhoades