Kansas State University


Department of Statistics

Month: July 2017

From Dr. Gary Gadbury, Department Head

Gary Gadbury

Greetings friends and colleagues, and welcome to this year’s Departmental Newsletter. This past year the department hosted its 29th consecutive Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture under the capable direction of John Boyer. As John and Lora Boyer transition to spending more time on family land in Nebraska, leading the conference was becoming more challenging for John. Fortunately, Dallas Johnson stepped in and will lead next year’s conference, Continue reading “From Dr. Gary Gadbury, Department Head”

2017 Ag Stat Conference

David Banks
David Banks

The Department of Statistics held its 29th annual (!!!) Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture on April 23rd, 24th and 25th of this year.  The keynote speaker and workshop leader this year was Dr. David Banks of Duke University.  Dr. Banks’ day-long workshop was entitled “Statistical and Machine Learning” and his keynote address was on “Statistical Issues for Agent-Based Models”.   Continue reading “2017 Ag Stat Conference”

K-State Dinner at Baltimore JSM

JSM gathering 2016

As usual, there will be a dinner for K-State alumni and friends at this year’s Joint Statistical Meetings in Baltimore.  As always, the dinner will be on Monday evening about 6:30.  John Boyer will be picking a spot for the dinner and posting a sign-up sheet in the communications area of the Convention Center;  look for it by Sunday afternoon or early evening – it will have all the relevant details.  We always choose a dining spot within walking distance of the meetings Continue reading “K-State Dinner at Baltimore JSM”

Scholarship Recipients

Thanks to the generosity of our alumni, nearly $45,000 in scholarships were given out this past spring and will be awarded over the next academic year.

Lolafaye Coyne Statistics Graduate Scholarship

Four students shared the Lolafaye Coyne Statistics Graduate Scholarship. The funds provided a research stipend over the summer so that students couldfocus their efforts on their research versus other duties such as teaching. The winners are Yinhao Du, Nelson Walker, Haoyu Zhang, and Huaiyu Zhang.

Yinhao Du

Yinhao Du is from Dalian, China. As a PhD graduate student, she is very interested and curious about science. In particular, she loves studying statistics because it provides a way to discover scientific phenomenon from data. Her research interest is statistical machine learning for high dimensional data and large scale optimization in bioinformatics studies. She is working on identification of Continue reading “Scholarship Recipients”

Former Faculty Member Jim Hess has Passed Away

Jim Hess
Jim Hess

The Department of Statistics has learned that Jim Hess, who was a faculty member in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, has died after a year-long battle with cancer.  Jim did his undergraduate work at the University of Missouri-Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology) and his graduate work at Southern Methodist University.  After teaching at K-State, Jim was a statistician on the technical staff of the DuPont Corporation for 15 years, Continue reading “Former Faculty Member Jim Hess has Passed Away”

Alumni News (2017)

John E. Boyer Jr.
John Boyer

Welcome to the Alumni News column written by Dr. John Boyer, Professor Emeritus and former department head (2001-08). This column is his opportunity to communicate with graduates and friends of the department; a task he enjoys thoroughly.  He hopes that all graduates will email him, jboyer@ksu.edu, news pieces that they would like to see included in the newsletter. Don’t hesitate to email John any time, even to just say “hello”.  Continue reading “Alumni News (2017)”

2017 Honor Roll of Giving

Supporters of the Statistics Department provide crucial sources of funds to allow department leaders to respond to emerging opportunities, as well as ongoing needs that are not fully funded through state sources. Gifts this past year (July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017) sustain excellence in this department. If you have any questions about this honor roll or you would like more information about other ways to support our department, please contact Emily Mahoney, KSU Foundation, 800-432-1578 or 785-532-7980, email: emilym@found.ksu.edu.

Thank you to the following donors: Continue reading “2017 Honor Roll of Giving”