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Tag: Candy

Candy and the Winter Holidays

Winter Holidays CandyWinter holidays bring to mind sweet treats to celebrate and savor. Here are some tips for enjoying these festive treats.

  • Don’t prohibit, use portion control! Look for smaller packages or individually wrapped treats to slow consumption. Emphasizing restriction can actually increase the desire to eat more. Candy can be a part of a balanced diet.
  • Stay active to burn calories. Winter activities such as building a snowman, making snow angels or sledding can burn off candy calories. Plus, some fresh air is good for the mind and body.
  • Mint is a popular winter flavor. It can also help eliminate “mask breath.” Mint flavors can also curb your craving for an extra appetizer or two!
  • Savor the flavor of chocolate and other candy. Try putting a piece of chocolate in your mouth and let it melt instead of chewing. It will bring out the many flavors of chocolate and helps you savor the flavor.



Candy Making Tips

Making candy is the science of cooking sugar. Success depends on many factors.

  • Use a heavy saucepan with metal that conducts heat, such as aluminum.
  • Use a big pan to prevent boiling over. This is especially true if using molasses.
  • The pan should fit the burner or be just a little smaller than the burner. This keeps the pan sides hot and reduces crystal formation.
  • Heat and stir the mixture over low heat to dissolve all sugar crystals. Before the target temperature is reached, brush pan sides with water to wash sugar crystals back into the syrup or put the lid on the pan for steam to melt sugar on pan sides.
  • Once sugar is dissolved, attach a candy thermometer inside the pan and do not move it.
  • Once desired temperature is reached, do not scrape the pan or put a used spoon in the mixture. That will cause crystal formation.

Source: Cookwise, by Shirley Corriher