The Experience of Reintegration for Military Families and Implications for DoD
Over 2.6 million members of the United States military have deployed in support of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. Although most Service members are resilient and do not develop long-term difficulties, some face traumatic events and experience mental and/or physical health problems upon homecoming. Further, military deployments affect not only the Service members, but their families as well. This webinar will outline the current research, existing and emerging topics military families face during reintegration. In addition the Office of Family Policy will provide a brief interpretation of how these findings may impact programs and policies. Presenter: Dr. Lynne Borden is a Professor and Head of the Department of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota.
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Outcome Based Learning in Military Settings – Thursday, June 2nd at 1:00 EDT, 12:00 CDT
4-H engages youth in learning about things that interest them, while at the same time enhancing positive youth development. In order for positive youth development (PYD) to happen, however, learning must be situated within a larger PYD framework that connects youth learning to larger PYD outcomes. What happens in the program in terms of program quality, has an impact on how learning leads to PYD. This webinar will take into account the military audience in which youth and staff transition frequently. A particular focus will be placed on the program quality portion of the framework to highlight the key critical features of programs that support learning in a PYD setting. A reminder the week before will include the webinar link. Presenter: Dr. Mary Arnold is an Extension Youth Development Specialist with the Oregon 4-H Program, and Professor in the School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences, College of Public Health and Human Services at Oregon State University.
Recommend Webinar Topics/Speakers
If you have a topic or have heard a speaker that you feel would be an excellent resource for the 4-H Military Partnership, please share their name/topic with Marlene or Carol.