4-H Military Partnership Reporting
The 2016 Mid-Year report covers October 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016, and is due June 30, 2016 at 11:59 pm. (Qualtrics has a major update scheduled for July 1, don’t get caught in system changes.) Final report will be due October 31, 2016 at 11:59 pm. A new Qualtrics link will be sent to you in August for the final report.
Several states edited the document for local sites. If you are still struggling with the “editable” document for local sites, you might try copying the document to remove more of the formatting. Call or email Carol if you have questions.
Professional Development Common Measures
The 4-H Military Partnerships has provided leadership for the development of a measure in the area of professional development.
To move these measures in with the current 4-H Common Measures, a psychometrics analyses must be completed. We are looking for sites to pilot the measure during May-July of 2016. If you are interested in piloting the measure, please contact Kendra Lewis (kmlewis@ucanr.edu) or Carol Fink (cfink@ksu.edu) with the following information:
- When your program will run and an estimate of when the measure will be given to staff
- Overall estimated of staff that would complete the measure
- If staff will be able to take the survey via a URL link, or if you need paper versions of the survey
Each state must work with their IRB before the survey can be given. Thank you for your continued support to document the impact of 4-H programs at the local, state, and national levels.
Impact Statements
As requested within the 4-H Military Partnerships report, each state is to develop an impact statement for on installations and geographically dispersed. A copy of the guidance for writing an impact statement and a rubric to assess your work was distributed at the Partnership meeting. If you need an additional copy please contact Carol Fink. As a national system, impact statements that represent the military audience as a whole are also important. If you are using 4-H Common Measures, please share that data with Carol (cfink@ksu.edu). Illustrating the impact of the entire 4-H Military Partnerships is important to our military partners and USDA.