The 4-H Military Partnership Project received one of two Excellence in Engagement Awards at Kansas State University at an All-University Awards ceremony on May 1st. This award recognizes faculty initiatives that demonstrate innovative and/or sustained efforts in university/community engagement positively impacting both university and community partners. We were also asked to submit to the regional W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Award and the national C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award. The application has been submitted and we’ll know about the regional award by May 31. If we receive the regional award, a 2 minute video will be produced over the summer and the national winner is selected in the fall.
All of the work in putting these award applications together lead me on a path of looking back over the many years of the partnership and so I thought I’d share some of the history with you since many of you have joined the project in more recent years. Your acceptance and embracing of this military work for youth has always inspired me. When new Liaisons would come to their first 4-H Military Partnership meeting, there was sometimes a deer in the headlights look but before long that turned into passion for working with military youth and connecting with our engaged community of military liaisons. I’ll try not to bore you but just give some of the highlights along the way and share some of the information I included in the award application.
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