“For teachers looking for new ideas in their classrooms, who don’t feel like they have the time during the school year, CASE is a great way to prepare yourself for a more rigorous and STEM-focused class,” says Brandie Disberger, agricultural education instructor.
The CASE (Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education) Institutes provide teachers with curriculum and training to elevate the rigor of agriculture, food and natural resource education. Kansas State University will host two CASE Institutes workshops in summer 2015. The curriculum focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), and concepts are taught using activities, projects and problem solving. Agricultural educators from across the nation lead the eight-day workshops and train attendees to implement a year of rigorous curriculum.
The first workshop, principles of agricultural science—plant (PAS) is a foundation-level course focused on the form and function of plant systems. The course will take place on the K-State campus June 16 – 25. Topics include: soils, anatomy and physiology, taxonomy, growing environment, reproduction, pest and disease management, and crop production and marketing.
Agricultural power and technology (APT), the second course offering, will be July 5 – 16. It is a foundation-level course that covers the fundamentals of agricultural mechanics. Topics include: shop safety, tool operation, materials selection and use, fabrication, energy and power, machines, machinery management, engineering and technology applications.
Attendees have the option of earning three hours of graduate-level credit, with an additional tuition payment. For information on registration or enrollment for graduate credit, visit the department website. Contact Steve Harbstreit (srh@ksu.edu) for more information about the APT course or Brandie Disberger (bdis@ksu.edu) for information regarding the PAS course.