A doctoral student at the University of Florida is conducting a study to assess the career readiness of agricultural communication graduates. He is interested in determining how we can improve our agricultural communication programs to better serve graduates as they enter the workforce. Continue reading “University of Florida Graduate Student Seeks Alumni Help in Assessing the Career Readiness of Agricultural Communication Graduates”
Category: January
Audrey King to Defend Master’s Thesis
Audrey King will defend her master’s thesis this Friday the 22nd at 2:00pm in Umberger Hall room 313.
Her thesis, entitled Communicating Towards Resiliency: Identifying the Barriers and Social Constraints Related to Grazing Best Management Practices in Kansas and Oklahoma, seeks to understand why producers do not adopt BMPs.
Students Attend ACT Professional Development Conference
Two undergraduate students and one graduate student attending the 2016 ACT Professional Development Conference held in Stillwater, Oklahoma on January 14-16.

Continue reading “Students Attend ACT Professional Development Conference”
New Faculty to Join Department this Summer
The Department of Communications and Agricultural education is pleased to announce that Gaea Hock and Jonathan Ulmer will be joining our faculty this summer. Continue reading “New Faculty to Join Department this Summer”
Program Alumni Inducted into Nebraska Journalism Hall of Fame
From the Nebraska Journalism Hall of Fame
A Kansas State alumni was inducted into the Nebraska Journalism Hall of Fame in 2015. The Hall of Fame recognizes distinguished journalists who have made significant contributions to print, their communities, the state, or the nation.
Richard L. “Dick” Fleming was born on February 24, 1931, the son of Roy and Lucy Fleming of Ipswich, Massachusetts. The family moved to the Fleming family farm at Paola, Kansas in 1948.
Continue reading “Program Alumni Inducted into Nebraska Journalism Hall of Fame”