Kansas State University


Department of Communications and Agricultural Education

Tag: National FFA Organization

New Graduate, New FFA Program

Story by Anissa Zagonel, master’s student

Graduating from college is no easy feat, but for one agricultural education alumnus, it just wasn’t enough. Will Johnson (’17) has went above and beyond after graduation from Kansas State University.

After student teaching in the spring of 2017 at Cimarron High School, he took a leap and accepted a job as a teacher at Sublette High School, a nearby school that didn’t have an FFA program – that quickly changed.

National FFA, teach agriculture, food science
Students at Sublette High School learn about FFA Career Development Events in their new agricultural education program.

During the summer, Johnson converted the essentially unused shop from storage to a working environment and began paperwork to start an FFA program at the school.

Johnson, a Whitewater, Kansas, native, says, “I really like the area and the people out here. It seemed like a chance to start something new for the community.”

This fall he is teaching an introduction to agriculture class for eighth graders and an agriculture, food, and natural resources class; an animal science class; and an agricultural structures class for high school students. In the future, he hopes to add a plant and soil science class and research in agriculture class to the curriculum.

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From Kansas to Kentucky

Story by Hannah Anderson, senior (AGED)

Each October, the Kansas State University agricultural education program selects students to travel to the National FFA Convention.​ These students represented the K-State Agricultural Education Club, the Department of Communications and Agricultural Education, and the entire College of Agriculture.

College of Agriculture booth
Tyler Cates, Ashley Leer, Baylee Siemens and Kaitlyn Alanis were among the eight K-State Agricultural Education Club members at the National FFA Convention.

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Tagged to Teach Ag

Story by Bridget Hoover, senior (ACJ)

A recent campaign aims to bring attention to the nationwide shortage of agricultural educators. This shortage includes the state of Kansas, home to 176 agricultural education programs. Shannon Washburn, agricultural education professor explains schools that previously did not have programs have added them, increasing the demand for teachers.

Hannah came from Illinois to tour the K-State agricultural education program.


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