You can now find exciting new information from the Department of Agronomy on mobile devices and computers in more ways than ever! We have many social media and other electronic efforts now to choose from: Agronomy eUpdate, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat (coming soon), in addition to our regular web site.
Your department is doing more great work than ever in teaching, research, and Extension. We’ll do everything we can to keep you up-to-the-minute on everything we’re doing. Our social media and electronic forums will emphasize efficient agronomic practices, current research, student accomplishments within the department, new faculty hires and retirements, and much more.
Agronomy eUpdate. The department sends out the weekly Agronomy eUpdate, which provides information practices that will aid in current production and in identifying current production issues. This eUpdate can be followed on Twitter, is available on the department’s website, and is emailed to subscribers as soon as it is published.
“We have the best staff of agronomists in the nation at K-State, and we utilize all of this expertise in our weekly Agronomy eUpdate articles. Whatever your role in agronomy, you’ll find useful information in this newsletter every week – and it’s free! This newsletter goes to subscribers all over the country and world, but is focused on Kansas conditions,” said Steve Watson, Agronomy eUpdate Editor.
You can access the Agronomy eUpdate either by following us on Twitter, or by subscribing directly at: Subscribe to eUpdates!
K-State Agronomy became active on Twitter nearly two years ago with the goal of reaching practicing professionals in agriculture with the latest crop and forage production practices and crop condition updates. Our Twitter postings have since gained a large base of followers, with about 3,500 Twitter users currently following the page. There have been more than 76,000 tweet impressions for August.
“Our Twitter efforts have been tremendously successful and have allowed us to reach more stakeholders than ever before. The eUpdate, for example, is now received by several thousand more people than when we used email distribution alone. Our goal is to provide valuable information to our stakeholders, before they even know they need it!” said Gary Pierzynski, Agronomy Department Head.
You can follow us on Twitter at the username @kstateagron
Going off the success of Twitter and the eUpdates, the department recently started posting on Instagram to reach potential and current students, as well as alumni.
Our Instagram postings will provide a constant flow of images highlighting student activities, current research projects, and other various happenings in the department. With this new target audience in mind, the department hopes to attract future K-State students to Agronomy and keep interested Alumni members informed on what the department is doing … in picture form!
You can follow us on Instagram at the username @ksuagronomy
Our Facebook page has been providing current updates on the department since 2012.
You can find us on Facebook at the username @kstate.agronomy