Kansas State University


College of Arts and Sciences Newsletter

A Word from our Dean

Dean Peter DorhoutThere is nothing quite like springtime on the K-State campus. Temperatures are warming, squirrels are emerging, and as the leaves pop out, we get to see just how many of our bushes and trees love purple as much as we do. Then it snows! Spring is a time of renewal and we are excited to start something new in our college with this first edition of our eNewsletter.

Since becoming dean in 2012, one of the things I’ve been most passionate about is telling the amazing stories happening within our college. To that end, we have redesigned our website to include a news section on the homepage, redesigned our alumni magazine A&S Letters, and launched our Twitter accounts, @KStateArtSci and @KSUArtSciDean, all in an attempt to connect with our students, faculty and alumni. This eNewsletter is the next step.

My goal with this eNewsletter is to provide a snapshot of our college each semester, delivered to your inbox. I know all too well how frustrating an overloaded inbox can be, so we will only send one eNewsletter each semester (twice per year), so alert your spam filter. I hope that the stories we include are in line with what you want to know, so please take advantage of the “suggest a story” link we’ll include with each issue.

In this issue, you will find a story on Stefan Bossmann, professor of chemistry, and his colleague Deryl Troyer, who are developing new treatment methods for brain cancer. You’ll also meet one of our alumni, Molly Hamm, whose work with at-risk youth in the Dominican Republic has been recognized by the K-State Alumni Association with the 2014 Distinguished Young Alumni Award. Speaking of awards, our faculty have once again led the way in award recognition at K-State, which we’ve included in this issue as well. Finally, we highlight two events that have engaged our students: a world-premier performance by our percussion studio and a visit from the world-renown entertainer and civil rights activist, Harry Belfonte.

There are so many wonderful things happening in our (your) college. Our students, faculty and alumni are all striving to make a difference in the world around us and we are so proud. I hope you’ll enjoy this snapshot of our spring semester. I also hope you’ll stay connected through our website and/or Twitter (@KStateArtSci and @KSUArtSciDean). Wherever you are enjoying this wonderful spring season, wherever this eNewsletter catches up to you, wherever you may be, you are always an A&S Wildcat.

Go Cats!

Peter Dorhout


6 thoughts on “A Word from our Dean
  1. Good idea here. I can read what I have time and interest for–and not risk this news getting buried in the stack of other paper newsletters.

    1. Hello Ann,

      Thanks for sharing! You nailed what we are hoping to accomplish with this eNewsletter. We want it to be nonintrusive (only twice per year) yet provide a glimpse of what’s happening in the college for our alumni, which can be read when time allows.

      We’re happy to hear you like the concept and are excited to do it again next fall. Remember, if there’s something you want to read about, let us know through the Share a Story link!

      Thanks again!
      Tom Roesler
      Communications Coordinator
      College of Arts & Sciences

  2. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate my education at KSU. I majored in Spanish and taught Spanish in high school and college for 30 years. I had 30 hours of English, including creative writing, and published my tenth book a year ago–the last three published with Hachette Book Group, on of the largest publishers in the world. I learned leadership at KSU and made wonderful friends. My 3 ½ years in Manhattan have influenced my life in so many ways and afforded me a way to support myself and to serve others. Many thanks.

    1. Hello Monica,

      You exemplify what we love about our College. Our mission is to help others make a difference in the world, and you’ve done just that! Thank you so much for your comments and keep doing what you’ve been doing. You are awesome!

      Thanks for sharing!
      Tom Roesler
      Communications Coordinator
      College of Arts & Sciences

  3. Thank You, I loved this eNewsletter. So interesting to see what what’s going on – impressive. I’ll look forward to receiving it.

  4. Dr. Dorhout,

    Thanks for the update with the new format. I enjoy receiving K-State info through email/web. I have a communications role in the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and we’re considering a similar tool to communicate with our alumni. Good luck with closing out the school year and celebrating the successes of students, faculty and staff.

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