Kansas State University


College of Arts and Sciences Newsletter


Photo of College of Arts and Sciences dean, associate deans and assistant deans standing near Calvin Hall sign outdoorsDear Arts and Sciences Alumni and Friends,

We are excited for a new academic year with some new leaders on our team and great things happening throughout our departments! In this brief newsletter, we’re pleased to share some news from around the college and invite you to join our alumni-to-student mentorship program and any of our special events.

We’re also excited to share stories of a few of our many alumni who are excelling in their careers and impacting their communities. We are proud of you all and grateful for your support!


Chris Culbertson, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Chemistry

Mary Cain, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, Professor in Psychological Sciences

Kimathi Choma, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Recruitment and Retention

Christie Launius, Associate Dean for Student Success, Engagement and Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor in Social Transformation Studies

Ben Stark, Assistant Dean for Infrastructure and Faculty Support, Professor of Theatre

Scott Tanona, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Associate Professor of Philosophy

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