Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter


Civil Rights Teach-In

purple graphic with white text about Civil Rights Teach-In Jan. 29, 2025

Wed., Jan. 29, 2025 | 2:30-5 p.m.
Leadership Studies Building, McVay Family Town Hall
Sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences Diversity Committee

Join the conversation on social justice issues during K-State’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Observance Week!

Teach-ins are held for learning, discussion and movement towards action, usually around a challenging sociopolitical issue. They often include expert presentations and audience participation and are not limited to a strict timeframe.

Join us for K-State’s 11th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In and hear K-State experts present about this year’s theme: wellness of the body, mind and world. Then, join the conversation during a panel discussion with the presenters.

For questions, contact Dr. Kimathi Choma, kchoma@k-state.edu, 785-532-6904.

2:30-2:40 – Welcome and Land Acknowledgement

2:40-3:20 – Land, Embodiment, and Wellbeing
Dr. Melissa Poll, Social Transformation Studies and English

3:30-4:20 – Neuroscience, the Human Brain, and Wellbeing
Dr. Julio Hernandez Pavon, Psychological Sciences

4:30-5:00 – Panel Discussion: How Can the Sciences and Humanities Intersect to Support Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Well-Being?
Dr. Keisha Clark, Social Transformation Studies; Dr. Melissa Poll; Dr. Julio Hernandez Pavon


Faculty Meetings – Spring 2025

Feb. 6, March 6, April 3, May 1
4 p.m. | 114 Willard Hall

All faculty and staff are welcome to attend. Faculty may vote.


ArtSci Drop-By

graphic with text about ArtSci Dropby on Feb 6 2025 and image of purple neon light that looks like pizzaFeb. 6 | 5 p.m. | Union Fireside Lounge outside JP’s

Join us at this fun, informal social for all Arts and Sciences faculty and staff! An appetizer buffet will be provided!


Coffee Collabs

graphic that shows cup of coffee and says Arts and Sciences Coffee Collab

Improving your writing practice

Thu., Feb. 13 | 9:30-11 a.m.
113 Leadership Studies Building
RSVP encouraged

Led by Theresa Merrick, assistant director of K-State’s Writing Center, this session will focus on strategies, habits and tools to improve writing productivity and help writers feel more confident tackling research and workplace writing tasks. Participants will have the opportunity to develop a writing plan and engage in interactive activities with fellow writers. Participants are encouraged to bring a writing sample and laptop.

Extension Connections with Dr. Gregg Hadley

Wed., March 5 | 10-11:30 a.m.
123 Leadership Studies Building
RSVP encouraged but not required. Please use the form to express interest in the topic even if you can’t attend.

K-State Research and Extension Director Dr. Gregg Hadley will provide information about what KSRE does, how it is organized, and how faculty can connect with the Extension network across the state. This is a key opportunity for faculty interested in partnering with Kansas communities for research or engagement. The K-State strategic plan emphasizes leveraging the Extension network as a key asset for connecting with communities. Come learn how to build those connections!


Arts and Sciences Faculty and Staff Awards Celebration

Thu., March 6 | 5-7 p.m. | Location to be announced

Join us as we present awards to some of our outstanding faculty and staff members!


Important academic dates

See university academic calendar for more details.

Feb. 7 – Instructors may drop students for non-attendance
Feb. 14 – A/Pass/Fail Grading Option Request Deadline
Feb. 14 – Academic Progress Reports Available in SSC-Navigate
Feb. 17 – Census: 20th Day Deadline for making changes to program/plan
Feb. 24 – Academic Progress Reports end in SSC-Navigate
Feb. 25 – Last Day to Drop Classes with no ‘W’ grade on official transcript


College and university awards

Apply or nominate an ArtSci colleague or student for the following university and College of Arts and Sciences awards.

Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants
Engagement—Faculty and professional staff


Encourage your students!

Undergraduate Research Awards

College Undergraduate Research Awards are offered every spring, summer and fall. Recipients get $1,000 awards to conduct research and creative projects with a faculty mentor. All degree-seeking undergrads in any major in the college are invited to apply. Applications for Summer and Fall are due March 1 and May 1! View our spring 2025 awardees.

Other research award opportunities are offered by the Johnson Cancer Research Center and Chapman Center for Rural Studies as well as K-State’s Office of Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research.

Mark Chapman Scholars Program

The Mark Chapman Scholars Program helps promising Arts and Sciences students fund meaningful summer projects early in their undergraduate careers. Five awards of $5,000 each are given annually—$3,000 to fund a summer activity and $1,000 per semester in the following academic year. Applications are due March 3.

ArtSci Student Mentorship Program

The ArtSci Mentorship Program is open to all undergrads in the college. Students are paired with professionals who provide insight and guidance for career preparation and help students develop a professional network. Students must sign up by Feb. 2 to be onboarded before the program launches Feb. 10. The program coordinator is Paige Altwegg, paltwegg@k-state.edu.

K-State Undergraduate Research Symposium

graphic showing event title and photo of people at past eventTue., April 15 | 1-3 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.
K-State Student Union, Ballroom and Courtyard

All undergraduate students participating in mentored research are encouraged to participate in this two-session symposium. They may exhibit traditional research posters or show artifacts that aid in presenting creative work. Students should start planning now and join the symposium Canvas page for information on poster design, presentation tips, printing and more. Registration closes March 23. Learn more from Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research.




close-up photo of 2 students working in a lab with the text Arts and Sciences Next-Gen Strategic Plan After more than a year of collaborative work, the College of Arts and Sciences has a Next-Gen Strategic plan to align with the university’s Next-Gen K-State plan. To develop the college plan, members of our faculty and staff engaged in many discussions about our values and hopes for the college. Please view the result of this hard work and use it to guide your priorities and decisions.

College of Arts and Sciences Next-Gen Strategic Plan


Arts and Sciences graduates go in many different directions after they leave K-State, and we are proud of all they do to improve the world. Below are a couple you might know!

Allison Bowman, 2017 fine arts graduate, artist and nonprofit professional

Close-up photo of Allison Bowman, outdoors, holding paint brusesAllison Bowman ’17 has always been drawn to the tallgrass prairie.

Born and raised in Manhattan, Kan., she came to K-State as a transfer student to study art, and whenever she needed a moment of peace and reflection, she walked the Konza Prairie. The gently rolling hills, waving grasses and beautiful wildflowers served as sources of inspiration that she continues to weave through her artwork.

Today, Bowman is a multidisciplinary artist who also works for a nonprofit arts organization called Mid-America Arts Alliance.

Read more.


Erica Short, 2007 mass communication graduate, creative director

Photo of Erica Short in a red brick-walled officeCan you save a life through a video ad on social media that lasts only a few seconds?

Erica Short ’07 and her teammates at Kansas City-based creative agency Overflow believe you can.

Short, creative director at Overflow, recently worked on a Gen Z fentanyl awareness campaign called “You Never Know.” Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that can be manufactured illegally and cheaply and then disguised as legitimate medications, such as Xanax. It is 50 times more potent than heroin and just a few grains can kill someone.

Read more.


Arts and Sciences Holiday Party

Holiday Party graphic - purple with gold text and twinkly hollyDec. 5 | 4-6 p.m.
K-State Student Union, Fireside Lounge (near JP’s)
RSVP by 5 p.m. Dec. 2

All College of Arts and Sciences faculty and staff members are invited to celebrate the season with colleagues and friends at the collegewide holiday party! Festive appetizers will be provided, and a cash bar will be available. Please RSVP by 5 p.m. Dec. 2. For more information, contact Katie Messerla at kmesserla22@k-state.edu.


Commencement Ceremonies

Photo of young woman holding diploma cover and hugging a professor

  • Graduate School Commencement
    Fri., Dec. 13 | 1 p.m. | Bramlage Coliseum 
  • Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Commencement
    Sat., Dec. 14 | 8:30-10 a.m. | Bramlage Coliseum
    Graduates line up at 7:30 a.m.


K-State Libraries’ Faculty Breakfast: AI Literacy

Tue., Dec. 17 | 8-9:30 a.m.
Hale Library, Dr. Susan K. Peterson Room 181

Learn about AI literacy and resources as well as services available to faculty for teaching, learning and research. Free coffee, pastries and fruit provided.

For information, contact Tara Coleman, program services coordinator at K-State Libraries, tcole2@k-state.edu.


Civil Rights Teach-In

purple graphic with textWed., Jan. 29, 2025 | 2:30-5 p.m.
Leadership Studies Building, McVay Family Town Hall

Watch for more information in January.


For your students…

Graduation Celebration

Graphic that has a photo of students at a past event and info about the graduation celebrationTue., Dec. 10 | Noon-1 p.m.
Purple Masque Theatre (west side of Memorial Stadium)
RSVP by Fri., Dec. 6

Graduating students are invited to celebrate their big achievement with waffles and a walk down memory lane at the College of Arts and Sciences Fall 2024 Graduation Celebration! RSVP requested by Dec. 6.


Spring 2025 Campus-Wide Undergraduate Research Symposium

graphic showing event title and photo of people at past eventTue., April 15 | 1-3 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.
K-State Student Union, Ballroom and Courtyard

All undergraduate students participating in mentored research are encouraged to participate in this two-session symposium. They may exhibit traditional research posters or show artifacts that aid in presenting creative work. Registration will close March 23.

Learn more from the Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research website or by emailing SDUR@ksu.edu.

Students are encouraged to join the symposium Canvas page for information on poster design, presentation tips, printing and more.


Nominate an Arts and Sciences student for a university research award!

Nominate an Arts and Sciences student for the University Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Student in Research by Feb. 1.


Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

Encourage students to apply to present at Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol Feb. 26. Applications due Jan. 28.


Important dates

  • Dec. 6 – Last Day of Classes
  • Dec. 9-13 – Final Examinations 
  • Dec. 13 – Graduate School Commencement
  • Dec. 14 – Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Commencement
  • Dec. 25-31 – Winter Break: Campus Closed
  • Dec. 30 – First Day of January Intersession
  • Jan. 17 – Last Day of January Intersession
  • Jan. 20 – Martin Luther King Jr Day Observed: Campus Closed
  • Jan. 21 – First Day of Spring 2025 Classes. Late Enrollment Fee applies.
  • Jan. 27 – Last Day to ADD Course(s) without Instructor Permission

View full 2024-2025 Academic Calendar (pdf)


Winter Break

In addition to Christmas and New Year’s Day, the university will reduce activity Dec. 26-31. All university offices will be closed during this time except for those providing specific, required services. The university will reopen Thu., Jan. 2. More information about holidays, reduced activity, and leave usage is in the annual University Holiday Memo. 

Have a great break!


Use Discretionary Day by December 21

To determine if you have an available discretionary day, log into Employee Self Service/HRIS. If a line for “D-Day” appears, you have an available discretionary day (an hours balance will not be displayed). Once you use your discretionary day, the line will disappear. 


Inclement weather guidelines
Photo of Willie the Wildcat mascot in snow
Photo credit: Scott Sewell, USA TODAY

Winter weather is here. For information the university’s weather-related decision-making processes and policies, please review K-State’s inclement weather guidelines.





  • Upcoming events, meetings and important dates
  • Human Resources: Holiday and leave guidance
  • Congrats to our Staff Spotlight Awardees!
  • Faculty Spotlight: Laurie Johnson publishes book on American culture wars


CANCELED – Coffee Collab

Canceled due to scheduling conflict

Tue., Nov. 6 | 10-11:30
Student Union, Room 227


Faculty Meeting

Thu., Nov. 21
4-5 p.m. | 114 Willard Hall

All faculty and staff are welcome.


CANCELED – Dec. 5 faculty meeting


Arts and Sciences Holiday Party

Thu., Dec. 5 | 4-6 p.m.
Location to be decided

The Dean’s Office will host a collegewide social to celebrate the holidays and our ArtSci community. Stay tuned for more details.


Commencement Ceremonies
  • Graduate School Commencement
    Fri., Dec. 13 | 1 p.m. | Bramlage Coliseum 
  • Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Commencement
    Sat., Dec. 14 | 8:30-10 a.m. | Bramlage Coliseum
    Concourse workers arrive at 7 a.m., before graduates line up at 7:30.


Other events around the college and university

Post-Election Connection

graphic showing animated potted flower and cactus being friendly and text with details about Post-Election Connection eventWed., Nov. 6 | 1:30-5 p.m.
Spectrum Center, 207 Holtz Hall

This is an opportunity for all K-Staters to decompress and find community after a stressful election season. Enjoy a cozy atmosphere, activities and fall treats, as well as pizza courtesy of the Alumni Association!


KSUnite: Stronger Together

Nov. 13 | 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
K-State Student Union
Classes will not be canceled for this year’s event.

We are “One K-State,” unified in meaningful, sustained actions that benefit all Wildcats. Through honest, transparent conversations, we foster a culture where everyone feels they belong.

  • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Community Portrait Project with Nate McClendon (interactive activity)
  • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Cats Cupboard Food Drive Donation Drop-Off
  • 11 a.m.-2 p.m. | Kansas State Community Resource Fair
  • Noon-1:15pm | K-State Community Panel
  • 1:15 p.m.-2 p.m. | KSUnite Ice Cream Social


Bilingual Spanish-English storytime for your little ones

splashy, colorful graphic that says Cuenta Cuentos Tell Tales Bilingual Storytime and has the logos of Manhattan Public Library and K-State Modern LanguagesSaturdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23 | 11-11:30 a.m.
Manhattan Public Library

The department of modern languages has teamed up with Manhattan Public Library to present ¡Cuenta Cuentos! Tell Tales!, a weekly bilingual Spanish-English storytime throughout November! It is aimed at children ages 3-8, but all are welcome! More information is on the MPL event calendar.


Important dates

Nov. 11 – Veterans Day (university open, classes in session)
Nov. 24-30 – Thanksgiving break for students
Nov. 28-29 – Thanksgiving holiday/Campus closed
Dec. 6 – Last Day of Classes (Grade rosters created at 5 p.m. in KSIS)
Dec. 9-13 – Final Exams
Dec. 14 – Arts and Sciences Commencement
Dec. 10 – Deadline to Return I-NR Grade
Dec. 17 – Grades Due by 5 p.m. (4 p.m. if grading in CANVAS)
Dec. 18 – Grades available in KSIS
Dec. 25-31 – Winter Break: Reduced University Activity—Campus Closed

View full 2024-2025 academic calendar


Annual University Holiday Memo

The university has released its annual Holiday Memo, which provides information about holidays and reduced activity during Winter Break.

Veterans Day – Nov. 11

The university will be open and classes in session on Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11. Only employees required to conduct necessary business should be requested to work. Non-exempt employees who work shall be compensated at 1.5 times (either time or pay). Exempt staff who work will be given equivalent time off at a later date. More info is in the Holiday Memo.

Discretionary Day: Use it or lose it

Be sure to use your 2024 discretionary day by Dec. 21. You can determine if you have an available discretionary day by logging into Employee Self Service/HRIS. If a line for “D-Day” appears, you have an available discretionary day (an hours balance will not be displayed). Once you use your discretionary day, the line will disappear.