Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter


College and university awards

Apply or nominate an ArtSci colleague or student for the following university and College of Arts and Sciences awards.

Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants
Engagement—Faculty and professional staff


Encourage your students!

Undergraduate Research Awards

College Undergraduate Research Awards are offered every spring, summer and fall. Recipients get $1,000 awards to conduct research and creative projects with a faculty mentor. All degree-seeking undergrads in any major in the college are invited to apply. Applications for Summer and Fall are due March 1 and May 1! View our spring 2025 awardees.

Other research award opportunities are offered by the Johnson Cancer Research Center and Chapman Center for Rural Studies as well as K-State’s Office of Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research.

Mark Chapman Scholars Program

The Mark Chapman Scholars Program helps promising Arts and Sciences students fund meaningful summer projects early in their undergraduate careers. Five awards of $5,000 each are given annually—$3,000 to fund a summer activity and $1,000 per semester in the following academic year. Applications are due March 3.

ArtSci Student Mentorship Program

The ArtSci Mentorship Program is open to all undergrads in the college. Students are paired with professionals who provide insight and guidance for career preparation and help students develop a professional network. Students must sign up by Feb. 2 to be onboarded before the program launches Feb. 10. The program coordinator is Paige Altwegg, paltwegg@k-state.edu.

K-State Undergraduate Research Symposium

graphic showing event title and photo of people at past eventTue., April 15 | 1-3 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.
K-State Student Union, Ballroom and Courtyard

All undergraduate students participating in mentored research are encouraged to participate in this two-session symposium. They may exhibit traditional research posters or show artifacts that aid in presenting creative work. Students should start planning now and join the symposium Canvas page for information on poster design, presentation tips, printing and more. Registration closes March 23. Learn more from Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research.