Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter

Dean’s fall welcome message

Well, it’s 97 F (or 36 C) but the humidity could be worse, so it must be time to start the new fall semester. For those of you who had a chance to take some time off, welcome back – yes, the traffic IS really worse. If you are new to K-State – there are over 60 new faculty and staff to our college – we are glad to have you here. Based on our Orientation & Enrollment sessions over the summer, we will see another record year of student enrollment, in my opinion.

We are trying something new this year in an effort to better communicate issues relevant to faculty and staff through this eNewsletter.

No, my pithy messages will not cease; this eNewsletter just represents another venue in which to post them. I expect to keep these regular emissions fairly brief and will include relevant comments from our office, a calendar of college events and deadlines, and links to important items on our home page, where you will find more detailed information as you need it.

Best wishes to you all for a successful, productive, and enjoyable semester. THANK YOU for all you do to make K-State a wonderful environment in which to work. If you are inclined to attend football games this fall, please be sure to come visit the Arts & Sciences tailgate in Cat Town, starting 2 hours prior to each home game, and meet alumni, students, and friends. You’ll find more details and a link to RSVP at http://artsci.k-state.edu/events/tailgate.html.

President Schulz shared some words of wisdom at our the new faculty luncheon earlier this week, “There are two things you need to remember as you embark on your career here at K-State: set aside some time for yourself and your family & friends AND wear purple.”

‘Nuf said,

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