Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter

A note from the Dean’s Office

Greetings, Arts & Sciences Colleagues!

Welcome/welcome back to the new semester. It doesn’t seem possible that we are already four weeks in! One of my goals is to increase faculty participation in research, scholarly and creative activities, and discovery (RSCAD) in our College; to that end I am providing information on upcoming funding opportunities.

I wanted to remind you of or alert you to the upcoming deadline (Monday, October 6; also there is a spring competition with a deadline in February or March) for applying for University Small Research Grants and Faculty Development Awards. The latter items support travel, particularly international travel to conferences. Details about these programs can be found at: http://www.k-state.edu/research/funding/fdausrg.html

Please note these additional application instructions for faculty from A&S: after you have prepared your complete application packet and converted it to PDF, go ahead and email your PDF to ORSP as described in the instructions. Bring the hard copy original, signed by yourself and your department head, to the Dean’s Office in Eisenhower 113 and leave it with Karen Solt, my assistant. I will sign all the applications as Associate Dean and they will be hand-delivered as a group to ORSP in time for the deadline. It is not necessary for your electronically transmitted copy to have all of the signatures. What this does is allow me a chance to read all of the proposals, giving me a snapshot of research activity in the College.

Other RSCAD funding opportunities are offered by the College and the Provost’s Office. One of these is the Arts & Sciences Faculty Enhancement Program. The announcement and call for proposals for next year will be released sometime this fall; department heads will be notified. These awards are preferentially made to faculty members in the first three years who have not had postdoctoral research opportunities or extensive start-up packages and are intended to foster RSCAD in disciplines not traditionally bringing in extramural support for such.

The K-State Mentoring Fellowships are open to tenure-track assistant professors in the sciences and engineering. The upcoming deadline is February 12, 2015.

Finally, if you have undergraduate students looking for support for RSCAD activities, please direct them to the A&S Undergraduate Research Scholarship application (http://artsci.k-state.edu/research/undergraduate/index.html). The deadline for applications for projects for Spring 2015 is November 1, 2014.

If you have questions about any of these opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at bethmont@ksu.edu. They also are all linked on the Research tab of the Arts & Sciences webpage. Bookmark the latter to keep up with goings-on in the College: http://artsci.k-state.edu

Happy RSCAD!

Beth A. Montelone, Ph. D.
Professor of Biology and Associate Dean for Research

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