Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

A note from the Dean’s Office

dorhout_deanswelcomeHappy New Year, Faculty!

Welcome back from what I hope was a restful and reflective winter break. For those expecting some less-than-prosaic ditty about spring or a PG-rated Learean limerick, alas, this will be a let down. However, for those of you who are thinking that “now is the winter of our discontent” because the dean has lost his edge, I have been humming my favorite tune from The Who’s Who’s Next album, and I anticipate my perennial bulbs will soon appreciate the fall fertilizer that was spread.

Enough with the metaphors. Let’s get back to the business of our College and enjoy the first few weeks of the semester. There are many MLK Observance events coming up, including our “College of A&S Teach In” on Wed. January 28th, 1-4 pm in the Union Courtyard. I look forward to seeing you at one of the events later this month. Please encourage your students and colleagues to participate.

Another event I’d like to draw your attention to is a visit by the CRLT Players from the University of Michigan on February 5. A touring theatre company housed in the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan, the Players create research-based performances that examine current issues in higher education. This event is perfect for GTAs and new faculty within our college, and I hope you’ll help us spread the word as we truly desire to have a robust attendance at both performances.

Each semester, we welcome new students to campus and into our classrooms. Most are prepared to succeed; however, some students run into various road blocks – subject matter, cultural, or generational. Please be aware of the many resources we have on campus to help students who run into trouble. If you notice frequent absences or struggles to keep up, please refer to resources on http://www.k-state.edu/studentlife/concern-guide/ or http://www.k-state.edu/counseling/faculty/ K-State is here to help you help our students be successful.

As always, thank you for what you do to make K-State a wonderful place to be! Good luck this semester; now, I will go get all my papers and smile at the sky.

Peter Dorhout

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