Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

A note from the Dean’s Office

Dear A&S Colleagues,

Kimathi_Choma 200x200Now that we have hit the ground running and are three weeks into the semester, things are moving along quite nicely. Last week, we came together to celebrate the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I would like to thank all of those who attended and supported these events and specifically the Arts & Sciences’ Teach-In on the State of Civil Rights. I especially would like to thank Dr. Tanya Gonzalez, associate professor of English and Chair of the College of Arts & Sciences Diversity Committee, for her leadership on this event. I have received a lot of positive feedback about the Teach-In.

February is not only the month that we celebrate people whom we love, but it is also Black History Month (BHM). As a child, I always wondered why Black history was celebrated during the shortest month of the year. As an adult I did some research and have learned the following information.

“The U.S. celebrates Black History Month in February to honor African-Americans’ achievements and contributions to society. People and organizations across the country hold events to recognize pioneers such as Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall and Jackie Robinson. The tradition is almost 90 years old, but some people don’t know its origins.


Historian Carter G. Woodson established Negro History Week, which began Feb. 12, 1926. He scheduled it at that time to match up with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.


In 1976, Negro History Week became Black History Month. President Gerald Ford urged the public to seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history, according to the International Association of Official Human Rights Agencies.” Source: Click here to read more.

We are celebrating Black History Month here at Kansas State University through a variety of events:

  • Black History Month Keynote Speaker: Geoffrey Canada, Monday, February 9th, K-State Union Grand Ballroom, Doors open at 6:30pm, Keynote begins at 7:00pm.
  • The New Black“ Wednesday, February 11, Hale Library Room 511, 4:30pm, Hosted by FIRE

Please see more BHM events at: https://ksusankofa.wordpress.com/bhm/

The A&S Diversity Committee seeks to address the needs and concerns of faculty, staff and student relevant to diversity/inclusion and meets regularly throughout each semester. You can read the minutes here. If you have questions, comments or feedback, please talk to your representative or contact me. The Committee is now accepting applications for the A&S Diversity Lecture Series Grant. The deadline is April 14, 2015. Please visit our website for more information.

I would like to congratulate Dr. Dwanna Robertson, assistant professor of American Ethnic Studies, and Mrs. LaVerne Bitsie-Baldwin, Director of the Multicultural Engineering Program, on receiving an Academic Excellence award that will enable them to establish the K-State Alumni Powwow. This is a much needed event because there has not been a powwow at K-State for well over fifteen years.

Please be informed that the Kaw Nation and the KAW Mission are working together to sponsor five Sunday programs this semester that will allow attendees to learn more about the Kaw culture and heritage. The new Kaw Nation CEO, Elaine Hutch, will be speaking at the Kaw Mission on Sunday, February 8th at 2:00 p.m. Other programs will take place as follows:

  • Sunday, March 29, 2:00 p.m. “Kanza Culture: Regalia and Kaw Culture”
  • Sunday, April 12, 2:00 p.m. “Forensic Anthropology, Tribal Historic Preservation and the Kaw Nation”
  • Sunday, April 26, 2:00 p.m. “Chris Pappan: Homecoming of a Kaw Artist”
  • Sunday, May 3, 2:00 p.m. “The Kanza Language: Then and Now”

It is my hope that we as a K-State Family will be able to support our Native brothers and sisters at some of these events. These events will be held at the Kaw Mission in Council Grove.

With regard to retention, recruitment, or diversity, if there is something I can do to serve you or your students, please do not hesitate to contact me. I appreciate and respect the ways in which you promote diversity, excellence and inclusion among the K-State family.

With Purple Pride,


Kimathi Choma, DVM, MPH
Interim Assistant Dean for Diversity, Recruitment, and Retention
Twitter: @KStateArtSciDPP

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