Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter

Author: marcia


Please welcome our new HR staff members! 

Dedra Schweir, dedra@ksu.edu, HR Representative, started in November. She manages student hire requests, payroll corrections and the inboxes. 

Angel George, angeldominick14@ksu.edu, HR Analyst, started in January. She will manage HR for Art, Geology, History, Media & Comm, Modern Languages, Psych Sciences and Social Transformation Studies. 

As a reminder, Allison Oberle, allisonoberle@ksu.edu, manages HR for Dean’s Office, BMB, Chemistry, Geography, Political Science, SASW and Statistics.



History professor involved in PBS documentary airing Feb. 20

image from PBS website about "Fly with Me" documentary

Phil Tiemeyer, associate professor of history and author of award-winning book Plane Queer: Labor, Sexuality, and AIDS in the History of Male Flight Attendants, was interviewed and served as historical advisor for the documentary, “Fly with Me,” scheduled to air at 8 p.m. (CST) Feb. 20 on PBS.

“Fly with me” tells the story of the pioneering women who became flight attendants at a time when single women were unable to order a drink, eat alone in a restaurant, own a credit card or get a prescription for birth control. The job offered unheard-of opportunities for travel and independence. These women were on the frontlines of the battle to assert gender equality and transform the workplace.

“[Flight attendants were] being marketed, basically, as a Barbie doll, and yet doing more and more complex work,” said Tiemeyer. “There’s a fundamental incompatibility between these two things.”

Watch PBS’s “Fly with Me” trailer.


2016 ArtSci grad named 2024 Distinguished Young Alum

Photo of Jill Applegate, K-State alumna


Modern languages and political science graduate Jill Applegate ’16 is one of two 2024 Distinguished Young Alumni named by the K-State Alumni Association. Applegate is currently a Skadden Fellow at the Neighborhood Defender Service. After studying at K-State, she earned a juris doctor from the University of Texas at Austin.

Of the things she learned at K-State, she had this to say:

“I even had the privilege of learning about migration from immigrant farm workers themselves while working as a research assistant for Alisa Garni in the sociology department, which was an invaluable opportunity to put names and faces to what I was learning in the classroom.”

Read her full interview with the Alumni Association.



Commencement Walkthrough

Thu., Dec. 7 | 3-5 p.m. (probably done around 4 p.m.)
Bramlage Coliseum
Everyone participating in the ceremony is encouraged to attend.

Faculty Meeting (note later start time)

Thu., Dec. 7 | 4-5 p.m.
004 King Hall
*Please note, this meeting has been moved to 4 p.m. instead of the usual 3:30 to allow for attending Commencement Walkthrough.

ArtSci Drop-By: Holiday Party

Graphic showing info about ArtSci Drop-By Holiday EditionThu., Dec. 7 | 5:15-7 p.m.
Union Station by JP’s

All Arts & Sciences staff and faculty are invited to this casual, come-and-go holiday party! Festive appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages, including spiced cider, will be provided by the Dean’s Office. Other drinks and cider-spikers can be purchased at JP’s bar.

This party has really filled up! If you are planning to attend and haven’t told us, please tell us as soon as possible. If you no longer plan to attend, it would be helpful for us to know that as well. Thanks!

RSVP using this link


Arts and Sciences Commencement

photo of grad cap decorated w/ powercatSat., Dec. 9 | 8:30-10 a.m.
Bramlage Coliseum 






10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In

"Save the Date" graphic about the 10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In Jan. 24, 2024Wed., Jan. 24 | 2:30-5 p.m.
Leadership Studies Town Hall

K-State Martin Luther King, Jr., Observance Week

Come see presentations that spark powerful discussions regarding teaching and research as it pertains to current social issues and the legacy of activism at K-State and beyond.

Please encourage your students to attend.



Important university dates

Dec. 8 – Fall 2023 Application for Graduation Closes
Dec. 8-9 – Manhattan Campus Commencements
Dec. 11-15 – Final Exams
Dec. 12 – Deadline to Return I-NR Grades
Dec. 19 – Fall 2023 Grades Due by 5 p.m. (4pm if grading in CANVAS)
Dec. 25-29 – Winter Break: Reduced University Activity—Campus Closed
Dec. 26 – First Day of January Intersession
Jan. 1 – University Holiday: New Year’s Day—Campus Closed
Jan. 12 – Last Day of January Intersession
Jan. 15 – Martin Luther King Jr Day Observed—Campus Closed
Jan. 16 – First Day of Spring 2024 Classes

View full 2023-2024 Academic Calendar (pdf)


University Award nominations due February 1

The Office of the Provost offers the following awards for which nominations are due Feb. 1, which may sneak up on you after winter break. Please consider nominating colleagues for these important awards. Instructions are on the provost’s Awards and Honors page.

  • Presidential Award for Outstanding Department Head 
  • Presidential Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 
  • Presidential Graduate Teaching Assistant Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 


Books on academic and grant writing are available for faculty and staff to borrow. Please contact Laura Hohenbary, laura8@ksu.edu. 

They Say I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing  

How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing 

Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded 

The Grant Writing Guide: A Road Map for Scholars 


New Staff Spotlight Award program

The new Staff Spotlight Award highlights staff members—university support staff and professional staff—each month for their service to the K-State community. Anyone can nominate eligible employees. Read announcement.

Winter Break

The university will reduce activity Tue., Dec. 26, through Fri., Dec. 29. All university offices will be closed during this time except for those providing specific, required services. The university will reopen Tue., Jan. 2. More information about holidays, reduced activity, and leave usage is in the annual University Holiday Memo. 

Use your Discretionary Day by December 23!

To determine if you have an available discretionary day, log into Employee Self Service/HRIS. If a line for “D-Day” appears, you have an available discretionary day (an hours balance will not be displayed). Once you use your discretionary day, the line will disappear. 

Reminder: New email address for submitting leave

Arts and Sciences Human Resources has a new email address for submitting leave requests. If you submit your time to Shared Services, please use astime@ksu.edu in the box that looks like this: 

image of box in leave request form for entering timekeeper's email address

This applies to Media and Comm; Art; Biochem; Chem; Geography; Geology; History; Mod Lang; Poli Sci; Psych Sci; Sociol, Anthro and Soc Wk; Soc Transforma Stu; Stats; and Dean’s Office employees. 

Inclement weather guidelines
Photo of Willie the Wildcat mascot in snow
Photo credit: Scott Sewell-USA TODAY Sports

Now that winter weather is here, please review K-State’s inclement weather guidelines. Start with this Preparing for Inclement Weather article in K-State Today.









Curriculog support

Associate Dean Scott Tanona is holding virtual drop-in help sessions to support completing the curriculum templates and Academic Degree Maps. Use this Zoom link to join one of the sessions below. If you can’t attend any of them or you want one-on-one help, please contact Stacy Vars at sjvars@ksu.edu, or Becky O’Donnell at bodonnel@ksu.edu, to make an appointment. 

Wed., Nov. 8 | 10:30-11:30 a.m. and 4-5 p.m.
Thu., Nov. 9 | 9-10 a.m.
Tue., Nov. 14 | 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Wed., Nov. 15 | 2-3 p.m.
Wed., Nov. 22 | 10-11 a.m.
Tue., Nov. 28 | 11 a.m.-noon
Thu., Nov. 30 | 10-11 a.m.

Interim director of media and communication named

Dean Chris Culbertson has named Heather Woods, associate professor in the A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication, the new interim director of the school. Woods is also the school’s associate director for graduate programs and research.

The college thanks Colene Lind, associate professor in media and communication, for serving as acting director for the past few months. A search is underway for a permanent director.


Nov. 10 – Veterans Day Observed (university open, classes in session)
Nov. 20-24 – Thanksgiving break for students
Nov. 23-24 – Thanksgiving holiday/Campus closed
Dec. 8 – Last Day of Classes (Grade rosters created at 5 p.m. in KSIS)
Dec. 9 – Arts and Sciences Commencement
Dec. 11-15 – Final Examinations
Dec. 12 – Deadline to Return I-NR Grade
Dec. 19 – Grades Due by 5 p.m. (4pm if grading in CANVAS)
Dec. 20 – Grades available in KSIS
Dec. 25-29 – Winter Break: Reduced University Activity-Campus Closed 

Annual University Holiday Memo

More information about holidays and reduced activity during Winter Break is in the annual University Holiday Memo.

Veterans Day Observance – Nov. 10

The university will be open and classes in session when Veterans Day is observed Friday, Nov. 10. Only employees required to conduct necessary business should be requested to work. Non-exempt employees who work shall be compensated at 1.5 times (either time or pay). Exempt staff who work will be given equivalent time off at a later date. More info is in the Holiday Memo.

Voting Privileges: Election Day – November 7, 2023

Polling locations are generally open 7 a.m.-7 p.m., allowing most employees to vote outside work hours. If an employee cannot get to the polls outside of work hours, time should be allowed to go vote without leave being charged. More information is at PPM Chapter 4860.

2023 Discretionary Day – Use it or lose it

Remember to use your 2023 discretionary day by Dec. 23. You can determine if you have an available discretionary day by logging into Employee Self Service/HRIS. If a line for “D-Day” appears, you have an available discretionary day (an hours balance will not be displayed). Once you use your discretionary day, the line will disappear.

New email address for submitting leave requests

Arts and Sciences Human Resources has created a new email address for submitting leave requests. If you submit your time to Shared Services, please use astime@ksu.edu in the box that looks like this:

image of box in leave request form for entering timekeeper's email addressThis applies to A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication; Art; Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics; Chemistry; Geography and Geospatial Sciences; Geology; History; Modern Languages; Political Science; Psychological Sciences; Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work; Social Transformation Studies; and Statistics; and Dean’s Office employees.


College Meetings
Faculty Meeting

Thu., Nov. 9 | 3:30-5 p.m. | 004 King Hall

Department Heads Meeting

Thu., Dec. 7 | 8:30-10 a.m. | 206 Union

Commencement Walkthrough

Thu., Dec. 7 | 3-5 p.m. | Bramlage Coliseum
Faculty/staff helping with Commencement should attend. It may only last an hour or so.


Thu., Dec. 7 | 4 p.m. | 004 King Hall
Please note, this meeting has been moved to 4 p.m. instead of the usual 3:30 to allow for attending the university-set Commencement Walkthrough.


College Events
Coffee Collab: VoiceThread for Instructors

graphic with info about Coffee Collab Nov 7, 2023By Deborah Goins and Dr. Raelynne Hale
Tue., Nov. 7 | 10-11:30 a.m.
307 Hale Library

Reimagine your instructor presence while elevating student success and engagement with VoiceThread. This presentation and storytelling tool integrates with Canvas and transforms PowerPoint slides, videos, images, voice, text and drawings into interactive collaborations. Faculty are invited to participate in a pilot program this spring to test it out and consider group investment.

ArtSci Drop-By

Thu., Nov. 9 | 5:15-7 p.m. | Union Station by JP’s
All college staff and faculty are invited to this relaxing social event.

ArtSci Drop-By: Happy Holidays!

Thu., Dec. 7 | 5:15-7 p.m. | Union Station by JP’s
All college staff and faculty are invited to this come-and-go social event to celebrate the holiday season together in a relaxed atmosphere.

Arts and Sciences Commencement

Sat., Dec. 9 | 8:30-10 a.m. | Bramlage Coliseum
Support faculty/staff should arrive at 7:15, 8 or 8:15, depending on role.


Student Events – Please tell your students!
Career Readiness – Social Work Career Day event

Thu., Nov. 9 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
The social work program, in the department of sociology, anthropology and social work, will host a Social Work Career Day, where you can network with social service agencies and learn about career options. Lunch will be provided. Advance registration is required.

Career Readiness – English Alumni Connections event

Fri., Nov. 10 | 3:30-4:30 p.m. | Zoom

A panel of English alums will talk about their paths to careers in publishing, librarianship, grant writing, law and academic coaching. This event is open to all students including non-English majors. For more information, email english@ksu.edu.

CANCELED – Grad Brunch & Pics with Willie – CANCELED

Tue., Dec. 5 | noon-1 p.m. | 301 Calvin Hall
Free waffles and pics with Willie the Wildcat for Arts and Sciences students


Events around the college
Navajo code talkers of World War II presentation

graphic about Navajo Code Talkers of WWII presentation with old, black and white photo of soldiers posedBy Spintz Harrison, teaching associate professor of American ethnic studies
Wed., Nov. 8 | 6:30 p.m.
13 Leasure Hall






Winter Dance Concert 2023 – Shifting Landscapes

Image of dancer and text that says Winter Dance Concert 2023Thu., Nov. 9 | 7:30 p.m.
Fri., Nov. 10 | 7:30 p.m.
Sat., Nov. 11 | 2:30 p.m.
Chapman Theatre, Nichols Hall

Join K-State Dance for this annual show to keep your spirit warm! Featuring original choreography by K-State faculty and guest artists in jazz, modern and tap styles.


The Cure Starts with Us Power Luncheon

Sponsored by Johnson Cancer Research Center
Featuring presentations by K-State cancer researchers
Nov. 15 | 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. | Holiday Inn at the Campus
Coco Bolos Buffet
$25/person | $300/8-person table


Plan an event for Week of Welcome in January

Departments and student organizations are encouraged to plan and host events for spring semester Week of Welcome, January 16-20. Show our new and returning students what a great place K-State is!


We enjoyed having alumni visit in October to participate in a career panel and advisory council meeting! Do you recognize any of them?

Alumni Career Panel

We hosted an Arts and Sciences Alumni Career Panel and Networking event Oct. 26. Four recent alums with impressive careers talked about their college-to-career journeys and gave advice for current students and recent grads. Watch the Facebook Live video.

photo of alumni at career panel
ArtSci Alumni Career Panel members Trevor Starks ’13, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology; Logan Stacer ’18, Communication Studies; Matt Casey ’08, Economics; Lisette Corbeille ’16, Psychology and Women’s Studies
Alumni Council Meeting

It’s always wonderful to get together with our College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Advisory Council! We appreciate the many ways they support us including student mentorship, industry advice and connections, and advocacy. At this Oct. 27 meeting, we heard from Senior Vice President Marshall Stewart and Alumni Association President and CEO Adam Walker, also pictured here.Arts and Sciences Alumni Council members posed at Fall 2023 meeting


Geology students find unsafe levels of nitrate in Barton County wells

K-State and Barton Community College students, led by K-State’s Matthew Kirk, associate professor of geology, partnered on a year-long analysis of private water wells in Barton County and found nitrates at levels considered unsafe for human consumption.

The students are part of the Kansas Groundwater GEOPAths undergraduate research program supported by the National Science Foundation and K-State’s geology department.

Read the full Great Bend Tribune story.


K-State Physicists collaborate with 2023 Nobel laureates

K-State’s physics department has close ties with this year’s winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics. J.R. Macdonald Laboratory researchers have been collaborating with the Nobel laureates on attosecond research for years.

The three Nobel laureates—Pierre Agostini, The Ohio State University; Ferenc Krausz, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics; and Anne L’Huillier, Lund University—created new tools for exploring the world of electrons inside atoms and molecules. They demonstrated a way to create attosecond pulses of light that can be used to measure the rapid processes in which electrons move or change energy. (An attosecond is so short that there are as many in one second as there have been seconds since the birth of the universe.)

K-State researchers have contributed significantly to attosecond science, which seeks to understand and control light-matter interactions at timescales commensurate with electronic motion in atoms and molecules. Such interactions play a critical role in chemical and biological processes like photosynthesis, cell replication and energy flow, and vision.