Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter

Category: Sept. 10, 2014

A Note From The Dean’s Desk

Throughout the first two weeks of classes, we have all been very busy. Culminating our busy schedule, we welcomed 14 of our 21 new assistant professors to the college at our new faculty college orientation followed by our 2nd annual faculty ice cream social/mixer, attended by over 100 faculty – thanks to everyone who made our new folks feel like an important part of our college academic family.

Rain dampened our Week-of-Welcome undergraduate research fair, but a few brave souls came to chat about our research opportunities and learn more about Continue reading “A Note From The Dean’s Desk”

College Calendar


10 – K-State Celebrates in Kansas City
11 – ‘Ghost Map’ author, technology historian Steven Johnson to presentation
18 – College of Arts & Sciences Football Tailgate
18 – Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholars due in the Deans’ Office
22 – K-State Celebrates in Wichita
23 – President & Provost annual college meeting
23 – K-State Career Fair
24 – K-State Career Fair
26 – President Schulz’s State of the University address Continue reading “College Calendar”