Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

Category: Feb. 18, 2015

A note from the Dean’s Office

Alison Wheatley_200x200Dear Colleagues,

As we enter the fifth week of the semester, most of our students are settled in their classes and demonstrating how well they can succeed. Some of your students may not be doing as well they could be, so I want to remind you that early intervention works!

To help such students, one of our departments recently asked its faculty to identify struggling students and report them to the central advising and undergraduate studies team of their department. This kind of early alert system has been shown to be very effective in providing students Continue reading “A note from the Dean’s Office”


Black History Month events

The Tournées French Film Festival will be Feb. 20 – March 2

Cuban percussionist visits K-State

Poet Geffrey Davis to read from his work, speak on diversity and creativity this week

Professor emeritus of Art, Margo Kren, to discuss her work Feb. 19 at Beach Museum

Geography Colloquium on Friday examines climate change adaptation

Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Grants available for students

Nominate a student for a K-State Alumni Association award

Reminder about Global Food Systems Innovation grants

Advisors: Apply now for professional development grants

Uwe Thumm, Physics, to present Commerce Bank Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture

College Calendar


20 – Senior Day
20 – Emeriti requests due to Dean’s Office
24 – Last day to drop a regular session course without a W
27 – First year faculty are notified of or non-reappointment for 2015-2016
27 – Deadline to submit course and curriculum changes to be considered at the April 2nd Arts & Sciences Faculty meeting

Click to find the Spring 2015 calendar under Academic Affairs

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

It’s not always easy to catch everything that’s happening in our college on K-State Today. Here are a collection of stories of things that made headlines in our college over the last few weeks:

27th annual Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture

A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications students visit Costa Rica in joint tourism class in January

Five of the six K-State students featured at Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol from ArtSci

Uwe Thumm, Physics, receives Humboldt award for lifetime research achievements

Criminologist ‘hacks’ the hacker, explores meaning of hacking

Sociology alumna to discuss state’s role in women’s suffrage movement


The goal of this eNewsletter is helpful and relevant to you, our ArtSci faculty and staff. If there is something we missed or should include in future issues, email your suggestions and feedback to Tom Roesler at troz@k-state.edu.