Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

Category: Nov. 18, 2016

A note from the Dean’s Office


Thanksgiving break is soon upon us. How remarkably fast the semester has gone! Each year for the past three years, I have shared a note about giving thanks for the talented people around us. Thanksgiving 2015 will be my fourth here in Manhattan. For our family, we have seen a number of changes in four years – changes in who is sitting around the dinner table. Nieces have been married and now have children of their own (I’m a great uncle five times now – emphasis on great). My daughters have graduated university and gone on to graduate schools. Carolyn and I lost one father and nearly lost another.

Our K-State family has also seen new arrivals and departures. I have seen changes in leadership in our College for nearly all our departments – I am excited about the new people and thankful for those who have served before them. We have also hired over 100 faculty since I started who are phenomenal additions to our K-State family, and we have said “good bye” to many others who built a foundation of great teaching, scholarship, and service for the College. We have seen changes in our outstanding support staff, and I am thankful for everyone who has made the College so productive. I am thankful for all of them – new, established, and past, alike.

I suppose that this Thanksgiving message lacks my regular epigrammatic tone, being far more reflective this year than others. Perhaps it’s because Thanksgiving is part of my favorite season: autumn. The long green days of summer yield to the cool darkness of afternoon sunsets, turning the forests and prairies golden hues before they become dusted with frost and snow. I am thoughtful about how lucky I am to be here.

So I’ll share a few lines from one of my favorite Pushkin poems and bid you a peaceful holiday:

“The fading autumn almost none admires,
Yet, reader, I am fond of her, I own,
Fond of her muted glow of half-banked fires.
Like a poor child unloved among her own
She calls to me. If anyone enquires,
Her of all seasons I hold dear alone.
There is much good in her. A frugal wooer,
My whim finds some appeal quite special to her.”



Internal search for interim associate provost for diversity

November offers music, theatre and more at Kansas State University

Celebrate Geography Awareness Week, view maps in the K-State Libraries Special Collections

Register for Celebration of Women in Bioscience

Fellowships for female international students, postdocs deadline Dec. 1

Nominations for Provost’s Lecture on Excellence in Scholarship due Dec. 1

K-State Book Network announces student, faculty/staff awards

College Calendar


18 – New Transfer Student Orientation and Enrollment
23-27 – Fall Break

18 – New Transfer Student Orientation and Enrollment
11 – Last day of Fall 2015 semester
11 – Graduate Commencement, 1:00 p.m., Bramlage Coliseum
12 – Undergraduate Commencement, 8:30 a.m., Bramlage Coliseum
14-18 – Final Examinations
22 – Term Final Grades Due (5 p.m., 4 p.m. if through KSOL)

Click to find the 2015-2016 calendar under Academic Affairs

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

It’s not always easy to catch everything that’s happening in our college on K-State Today. Here are a collection of stories of things that made headlines in our college over the last few weeks:

JMC students winners in South Central Broadcast Society awards

Theatre graduate receives Rotary scholarship to research drama therapy for women with post-traumatic stress disorder

Three Arts & Sciences graduate students earn honors at Research and the State

Two ArtSci faculty receive $5,000 Iman Awards for research and teaching

Psychological sciences doctoral student receives national research award

Vocal music students win top honors at regional competition

Anthropology student finalist for Rhodes, Marshall national scholarships

$4.2 million NSF grant helps biologist gather large-scale river measurements

Two biology students place highly at Sigma Xi research conference


The goal of this eNewsletter is to be helpful and relevant to you, our ArtSci faculty and staff. If there is something we missed or should include in future issues, email your suggestions and feedback to Tom Roesler at troz@k-state.edu.