Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

Category: 2023 August

Greetings from the Dean!

Dr. Chris Culbertson

Welcome to the 2023-2024 academic year! We hope you had a great summer! Below, you’ll find helpful information and updates about the college and upcoming events. We have planned some fun and informative activities for staff and faculty and hope you’ll join us.

Coming up first is our Arts and Sciences Welcome Social at 4 p.m. Wed., Aug. 16, at the Alumni Center Tointon Great Room. Catch up with colleagues and meet new faculty before classes begin. We’ll provide refreshments. (The ArtSci New Faculty Welcome will immediately precede it.)

We also urge you to attend faculty/staff meetings, especially this semester as we revise our college general distribution requirements for ALL degree programs. We need your input on this very important process. We also will be developing a college workload policy, as dictated by KBOR, and discussing how to align our college strategic plan with the university’s.

Please review the Next-Gen K-State Strategic Plan Draft shared by President Linton and Provost Taber on July 19, and respond to the feedback survey by Aug. 25. You can find them both in this K-State Today announcement.

We are working hard to improve our systems and communication with everyone in the college, build a good foundation and strategic plan, and set the college up for success. If you ever have questions or concerns, please reach out to me. Your active input is important for continuing to improve our college. We’re here to help you thrive as K-State ArtSci faculty and staff members.


Chris Culbertson, Dean
Professor of Chemistry
K-State College of Arts & Sciences


New Department Heads

We welcome those who recently started serving as department heads!

  • Peri Da Silva, head of economics
  • David Schmitt, head of psychological sciences
  • Christie Launius, interim head of social transformation studies
  • Colene Lind, acting head of A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication
  • Perla Reyes, acting head of statistics


Human Resources
Pay periods and pay dates

Please note, 9-month employees’ first paychecks will deposit on Sept. 1. The last paycheck of the academic year will deposit on May 24. View all pay periods and dates.

Conflict of Interest

Unclassified Staff must complete the Conflict of Interest form each year. If you have not done so already, please do so as soon as possible. Reminder emails will be sent from the college beginning Aug. 23. Log in to HRIS > Employee Self Service > Personal Information.


To receive your premium discount for 2024 health insurance, you must earn 40 credits before December 31, 2023.

  • Once you have earned the 40 credits, print that page from your HealthQuest portal.
  • You’ll need to set up a new account if you haven’t done so yet for 2023.
  • Employee enters employee ID.
Student employee hires

Student employees must complete their hiring paperwork before they begin working. Complete the Student Hire form, have your department head sign it, and submit it to your Human Resources liaison. We will work as quickly as we can to get your student hired.


Important dates for students and course planning

Please read this overview of fall syllabi resources and requirements from the Provost’s Office and update your syllabi to include the mandatory K-State Course Syllabi Statements.

Consider including these dates in your program for the benefit of students:

  • Sept. 11: Last Day for 100% Refund for Standard Classes
  • Sept. 15: A/Pass/Fail Grading Option Request Deadline
  • Sept. 18: Last Day for 50% Refunds for Standard Classes
  • Sept. 25: Last Day to Drop Classes with no ‘W’ grade reflected on official transcript
  • Oct. 27: Last day to Withdraw from a course with ‘W’ grade reflected on official transcript

Progress reports will be available in SSC Navigate Fri., Sept. 15, and will close Mon., Sept. 25. All faculty are expected to participate in progress reports and provide feedback on their students. The goal is to provide an early warning system for at-risk students, allowing timely intervention by advisors and university resources to support student success. Learn more here.

University Academic Calendar 2023-2024


Gen Eds and College Requirements

K-State is implementing a new general education system, K-State Core, effective Fall 2024.

To adjust to this new system, the college is establishing a new set of college requirements. Information about progress and the working group drafting the proposal will be posted to the college’s Faculty/Staff Resources page soon.

The first read and discussion of these requirements will occur at the Sept. 7 faculty meeting. A second meeting will be held Sept. 28 to vote on the requirements.

Every program will need to provide a catalog update that aligns it with the new gen eds, incorporates the updated college requirements, and shows all 120 CH of requirements for the degree. If a program offers both a BA and a BS, we will need to submit a separate set of requirements for each degree. These should be submitted by this November.

It will be very important for all faculty and advisors in the college to be aware of and provide input on these curricular developments, both within your units and at the college level. Please be sure to note the dates of faculty meetings and be on the lookout for updates.

Resources and Opportunities

Faculty and Staff Resources

Many policies, forms, awards and other resources are accessible on the college’s Faculty and Staff Resources page. It’s under the ‘About’ tab at the top of our website, artsci.k-state.edu.

Funding and recognition awards available

Awards and scholarships are available for outstanding faculty, staff and students! Please nominate, apply and encourage others to apply for college and other awards listed in our 2023-24 ArtSci Awards List (pdf), accessible on our Faculty and Staff Resources page. This list is not exhaustive but includes many ArtSci-relevant awards. Circumstances may change, so always check with the award sponsor before applying.

Be part of the art department’s printmaking conference in 2024!

sunflower graphic that says "From the Ashes"The art department has been selected to host the Mid America Print Council’s 2024 conference, “From the Ashes: Printmaking, Preservation, and Renewal,” in Manhattan in October. The conference will explore the relationship between art, science and environmental sustainability. A variety of K-State units, including Hale Library, College of Architecture, Planning & Design, and Beach Museum of Art, are contributing space, presenters, demonstrations and more. Learn more at www.mapc2024.com. More collaborators are welcome; contact Jason Scuilla at jscuilla@ksu.edu.

Adobe Creative Suite is now free!

Adobe Creative Cloud Suite licenses are now free for K-State faculty and staff. Learn more.

Upcoming Events

New Faculty Welcome

Wed., Aug. 16 | 3-4pm | Purple Pride Room, Alumni Center

ArtSci Faculty & Staff Welcome Social

Wed., Aug. 16 | 4-5pm | Tointon Great Room, Alumni Center

ArtSci New Student Welcome (NSO)

New students will be on campus and may visit your departments!
Fri., Aug. 18 | 9:30-11:30am | K-State Union Ballroom

State of the College

Thu., Aug. 31 | 3:30-5pm | Union Big 12 Room

ArtSci Faculty/Staff Meeting

Thu., Sept. 7 | 3:30-5pm | Location TBA

ArtSci Drop-By

Informal social event for all ArtSci staff and faculty
Thu., Sept. 7 | 5:15-7pm | Union JP’s

Donor Relations Training for ArtSci Faculty

Tue., Sept. 12 | 1-5pm | KSU Foundation | more info coming soon

Coffee Collab: Sunderland Foundation Innovation Lab Tour

For all ArtSci faculty and staff
Fri., Sept. 15 | 10-11:30am | Hale Library

View all ArtSci events on the university’s Localist calendar.


Share your department’s events!

We encourage you to tell us about your department’s events and to add them to the Localist calendar. If you tag the college in your event entry, it will populate to the college’s calendar and homepage. To share events with us or get help submitting to Localist, contact Kate Williamson at kate89@ksu.edu.


Plan ahead for ‘A.I. and the Future’ symposium Oct. 16-19!

A.I. and the Future partial graphic

Modern Languages, in collaboration with K-State’s Hale Library and Center for AI and Data Science as well as the Manhattan Public Library, will host the free symposium, “A.I. and the Future: Exploring the intersection of Language(s), Science and Ethics,” Oct. 16-19 at Hale Library. The project director is Raelynne Hale, raehale@ksu.edu.


For your students (and you too)!

ArtSci Mentorship Program

Please encourage your undergraduate students to participate in the Arts and Sciences Mentorship Program. It pairs students with professional mentors who understand their goals and share firsthand knowledge and experiences to help the students transition to professional life. Students should sign up by Mon., Sept. 4, to be onboarded in time for the Sept. 11 start. It runs through early December.

To participate, students should “join” WildcatLink using their K-State eID and then request membership in the ArtSci Mentorship Program. After approval, they’ll receive email communication through the WildcatLink platform.

We need mentors! Please consider joining as a mentor. Follow the same process, except apply to be a mentor. Mentors are asked to meet with their mentees at least once a month (4 times total). Mentees will be at different stages of career readiness, from first-year students through seniors.

For more info, email program coordinator Zac Malcolm at malcoz@ksu.edu.


ArtSci Week of Welcome events
Arts & Sciences Coffee Break

Students get free Bluestem Bistro coffee and Varsity donuts.
Tue., Aug. 22 | 9-11am
Calvin Hall Front Lawn

ArtSci Aggieville Adventure

Explore Aggieville in an action-packed scavenger hunt and receive free caffeine and prizes. The first 40 students receive an Aggieville swag bag.
Wed., Aug. 23 | 4-6pm
Calvin Hall Front Lawn

Looking back…

ArtSci Drop-By: Faculty & Staff Awards Edition

We had a special ArtSci Drop-By in April to recognize college award recipients. Our thanks to everyone who attended the relaxed and fun event at the Fireside Lounge outside Union Station by JP’s.

Congratulations, again, to the recipients of the 2022 Stamey and Gaches Awards and the 2023 Davids-Dunham Award (listed below)!

Join us for this year’s ArtSci Drop-By events! All ArtSci faculty and staff are invited to come enjoy socializing and snacks. Also, be sure to make nominations for this year’s awards!

Dr. Virginia Naibo with Associate Dean Scott Tanona
Virginia Naibo, professor of mathematics, receives a Gaches Lifetime Teaching Award from Scott Tanona, associate dean.
Dr. Karin Goldberg (center) with Assistant Deans Kimathi Choma and Melinda Cro
Karin Goldberg, associate professor of geology (center), receives the Davids-Dunham Award from Kimathi Choma and Melinda Cro, assistant deans.

View more photos in an album on Facebook.

Award Recipients

2022 William L. Stamey Award for Undergraduate Teaching

  • Audrey Joslin, associate professor, geography and geospatial sciences
  • Tom Sarmiento, associate professor, English

2022 William L. Stamey Award for Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • Adriana Ortiz-Aquino, graduate teaching assistant, mathematics
  • Taylor Vargo, graduate instructor, psychological sciences

2022 William L. Stamey Award for Advising

  • Martha Smith-Caldas, teaching professor, biology

2022 Ronald N. Gaches Lifetime Teaching Award

  • Greg Eiselein, professor, English
  • Virginia Naibo, Virginia Naibo, mathematics

2022 Ronald N. Gaches Teaching Award

  • Michi Tobler, professor, biology

2023 Davids-Dunham Award

  • Karin Goldberg, associate professor, geology