Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

Category: 2024 October


  • Upcoming events and meetings, including the State of the College
  • Good to know: HR, degree requirements, important dates
  • Resources and opportunities, including college awards and grants
  • Congrats to advisor Ben Worcester
  • Ribbon-cutting for renovated Student Lounge


Arts and Sciences Benefits Presentation

Mon., Oct. 7 | 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
318 Calvin Hall

All ArtSci faculty and staff members are invited to this 30- to 45-minute presentation from the university’s benefits team. A question-and-answer session will follow along with opportunities for one-on-one discussions. Feel free to eat your lunch during the presentation.


Coffee Collab: Engagement

purple graphic showing foamy cup of coffee and info about Coffee Collab event

Tue., Oct. 8 | 10-11:30 a.m.
110 Leasure Hall
Led by Dr. Mary Kohn, Director, Chapman Center for Rural Studies
RSVP by 5 p.m. Oct. 4 and/or tell us about your engagement work on the same form.

Network and learn about support for community engagement. Share ideas to boost engagement, learn about college and university resources, and identify needs to expand ongoing efforts.

Please tell us about your community engagement work, even if you don’t plan to attend, so that we can recognize our college’s commitment to engagement—anything from fair exhibitions to multi-year engaged research. Use this survey to share your current or future engagement activities.


State of the College Presentation and Faculty Meeting

purple graphic showing info about the State of the College presentationThu., Oct. 10 (rescheduled from Oct. 3)
3:30-5 p.m.
106 Kedzie Hall

Dean Culbertson will give the State of the College presentation and then the October faculty meeting will take place. It will include discussion of strategic planning for the college and other faculty meeting business. The agenda and Zoom link were sent via email Oct. 3. If you have questions, please contact Stacy Vars, sjvars@k-state.edu.


ArtSci Drop-By

Graphic showing purple neon pizza and info about the Oct 10 2024 ArtSci Drop-byThu., Oct. 10 (rescheduled from Oct. 3)
5-6:30 p.m.
Fireside Lounge outside Union Station by JP’s

Join us at this fun, informal social for all ArtSci faculty and staff! A heavy appetizer buffet will be provided!


Coffee Collab: Arts and Sciences accounting and human resources


Tue., Nov. 6 | 10-11:30
Student Union, Room 227

Join us for coffee, pastries, networking and a review of all things ArtSci accounting and human resources!


Other special events around the college and university

Multilingual Film Festival: Sustainability on Screen

graphic with info about Sustainability on Screen Multilingual Film Festival and the 3 movies to be shownAll showings will be at 6 p.m. in Wildcat Chamber at the Student Union.

Oct. 7 – Les glaneurs et la glaneuse (The Gleaners and I)
Director: Agnès Varda, 2000
French with English subtitles

Oct. 8 – Ixcanul
Director: Jayro Bustameante, 2015
Mayan and Spanish with English subtitles

October 9 –Roter Himmel (Afire)
Director: Christian Petzold, 2023
German with English subtitles

Sponsored by Department of Modern Languages


State Senate Candidate Debate

graphic with photos of Usha Reddi and Brad Starnes and info about the Oct 9 2024 State Senate Election Debate

Wed., Oct. 9 | 6-7:30 p.m.
Student Union Courtyard

The KSU Young Democrats, Department of Political Science, Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy (ICDD), and Riley County Republican Party have partnered to bring debates and a town hall to campus. Students will have the opportunity to engage with local candidates for state legislature and learn how to vote.

Events will be streamed on ICDD’s YouTube channel.


From the Ashes: Printmaking, Preservation and Renewal conference

Graphic image showing black and gold sunflower and white text in middle of flower that says From the AshesWed.-Sun., Oct. 2-6
Various locations around campus and Manhattan

This Mid America Print Council Conference, sponsored by the art department, will explore the relationship between printmakers and the natural environment. The public is welcome.


K-State’s 9th Annual Indigenous Peoples Day

Healthy Communities: Navigating Colonization and Restoring Indigenous Lifeways

graphic with info about K-State Indigenous Peoples Day and info about presenters

October 14 | 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Student Union Ballroom
Sponsored by K-State Indigenous Faculty and Staff Alliance and many others

This event features several illuminating and inspiring presentations, a short film and lunch catered by an Indigenous chef! Registration requested.


AI and the Future Symposium: Trust AI?

graphic showing two photos of peopleTue.-Thu., Oct. 15-17
Various campus locations and Manhattan Public Library

This free event features a variety of panels, lightning talks and workshops to help K-State and Manhattan community members learn about artificial intelligence. It is coordinated by the modern languages department, Hale Library and more.


Flint Hills Military History Symposium: War and Technology 2024

graphic showing a tank and airplanes in desertFri.-Sun, Oct. 18-20
Locations in Manhattan and Fort Riley

The history department is partnering with Fort Riley Museums to present this symposium that bridges the gap between classroom and battlefield.


Homecoming Week Oct. 20-26

Cheerleaders walking in Homecoming 2023 parade

  • Homecoming Philanthropy 5K | Sun., Oct. 20
  • Paint the ‘Ville | Mon. Oct. 21
  • Children’s Carnival | Wed., Oct. 23
  • Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally | Fri., Oct. 25
  • K-State Football vs. KU | Sat., Oct. 26

View more Homecoming activities


George S. Bascom Lecture on Current Issues in Clinical Medicine

Photo of Webster Cavenee, PhD

Fri., Nov. 1
3:30 Lecture
Fiedler Hall Auditorium
5-6 p.m. Reception
Johnson Cancer Research Center

Tumor Heterogeneity: An Active Process That Dictates Therapeutic Response

Webster Cavenee, PhD, K-State alum, Director Emeritus of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of California at San Diego

Sponsored by Johnson Cancer Research Center


Power Luncheon

Thu., Nov. 14 | 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Holiday Inn at the Campus
Sponsored by Johnson Cancer Research Center

Join in this impactful program designed to bring together cancer survivors and advocates to enhance cancer patients’ well-being. Registration is required.


Student events — Please tell your students!

Lunch with the Deans: Undergraduate Researchers

Tue., Oct. 8 | Noon-1 p.m.
301 Calvin Hall
RSVP required by 5 p.m. Fri., Oct. 4.

Helping Professions Networking Night

Tue., Oct. 8 | 5:30-7 p.m.
Student Union Ballroom
Co-sponsored by the College of Health and Human Sciences

For any K-State student considering a career in social services, social work, mental health, community engagement, youth or family advocacy, social justice organizations, criminal justice and similar areas.

Lunch with the Deans: First-Generation Students

Mon., Nov. 4 | Noon-1 p.m.
301 Calvin Hall
RSVP by 5 p.m. Thu., Oct. 31


View all ArtSci events


Human Resources and Accounting

Action required—Health Insurance Open Enrollment

You must re-enroll for 2025 health benefits even if you do not intend to change your coverage. Enrollment is open Oct. 1-31. Learn more.

Veterans Day policy

The university will be open and classes in session on Veterans Day, Mon., Nov. 11. Only employees required to conduct necessary business should be requested to work. Non-exempt employees who work shall be compensated at 1.5 times (time or pay). Twelve-month exempt staff or faculty who work will be given equivalent time off to use on a later date. If you work on Veterans Day in a Shared Services department (see below), please email astime@ksu.edu with your supervisor copied.

More information is at PPM Chapter 4860.

Shared Services departments: Art; Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics; Chemistry; Miller School of Media and Communication; Geography and Geospatial Sciences; Geology; History; Modern Languages; School of Music, Theatre, Dance; Political Science; Psychological Sciences; Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work; Statistics; Social Transformation Studies

Voting Privileges: Election Day – Nov. 5

Polling locations are generally open 7 a.m.-7 p.m., allowing most employees to vote outside work hours. If an employee cannot get to the polls outside of work hours, time should be allowed to go vote without leave being charged.

ArtSci H.R. and Accounting events Oct. 7 and Nov. 6

We invite all college faculty and staff to our Benefits Presentation on Oct. 7 and our Coffee Collab on Nov. 6. More information is in the Upcoming Events and Meetings section of this newsletter.


ArtSci degree requirements update

Overlay and Restricted Electives request form now available 

An updated fillable form is now available for departments to submit requests for a course to be added to the designated restricted electives or overlay list. Five committees have been formed and will begin reviewing requests this month. Courses submitted this past year will be considered and departments do not need to resubmit them. Please submit any further requests as soon as possible. 

 Committee Meeting Schedule for Fall 2024 
  • Ethical Reasoning Overlay – Oct. 15 
  • Global Perspectives Overlay – Oct. 22
  • U.S. Multicultural Overlay – TBD 
  • Natural Science Restricted Elective – Nov. 12
  • Quantitative Social Science Elective – Nov. 1

More details were sent via email and can be found on the college degree requirements, electives and overlays page. For questions, contact Associate Dean Scott Tanona, stanona@ksu.edu, 532-6900, or Curriculum Development Manager Becky O’Donnell, bodonnel@ksu.edu, 532-0357.


Important dates

Oct. 11 – Wildcat Pause Day (student break, no classes, university is open)
Oct. 25 – Last Day to Withdraw from regular session course—‘W’ on transcript
Nov. 1 – Deadline to apply for several Arts and Sciences Awards
Nov. 11 – Veterans Day (K-State open, classes in session)
Nov. 24-30 – Thanksgiving Break: No Classes
Nov. 28-29 – Thanksgiving Holiday Observed: Campus Closed

Full 2024-2025 academic calendar

Student enrollment begins Oct. 21

Faculty and staff members with advisor responsibilities should be reaching out to students, scheduling campaigns, and meeting with students to support them during enrollment. More info about enrollment dates is on the Registrar’s Priority Dates & Enrollment Times page.


ArtSci awards and grants available for faculty, staff and students

Dean’s Office

Various awards
Applications/Nominations due Nov. 1

College of Arts and Sciences awards and scholarships are available for outstanding faculty, staff and students! Nominate, apply and encourage others to apply for our college’s Gaches, Stamey and Maggio teaching, advising and staff awards as well as our undergraduate research awards.

Chapman Center for Rural Studies

Interdisciplinary Research Grant
Pre-proposal due Oct. 25

The Chapman Center for Rural Studies is seeking proposals from Arts and Sciences faculty to foster interdisciplinary research and engagement in the Great Plains with a preference for work that includes rural communities.


K-State internal grants and awards

Office of Research Development

Faculty Development Awards and University Small Research Grants
Due Oct. 7

  • Faculty Development Award: Support for travel to international meetings or to meet with program officers from potential external sponsors. Apply now for travel/projects occurring Jan. 1 to June 30.
  • University Small Research Grants: Seed grants to support early research, scholarly activity and other creative efforts


Headshot of Ben WorcesterCongratulations to Ben Worcester, academic advisor for the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, on receiving the Charlie Award from the K-State Advisor Forum! The peer-nominated award recognizes outstanding academic advisors for their hard work and dedication. It celebrates those who creatively engage in their work, have a positive impact on students, and demonstrate leadership.

“Ben is phenomenal in all aspects of his role, but specifically when he is working with students. It is clear that he is passionate about the performing arts and well-versed in the curriculum and future opportunities available to students, and that he prioritizes each student’s individual needs.”

Read more.


Photo of ribbon-cutting event showing Nate Birkhead with scissorsA ribbon-cutting on Sept. 9 celebrated the recently renovated study space on the third floor of Calvin Hall! The space now boasts:

  • mobile white boards
  • small group study nooks
  • collaboration tables
  • lounge seating
  • new paint and carpet.

Special recognition for outstanding work goes to Evelynn Ediger, a member of the Student Governing Association’s Student-Centered Tuition Enhancements committee; Nathaniel Birkhead, political science department head; and Ryan Zecha, K-State Facilities project manager.


Facebook, Instagram and X

Share your unit’s news!
Contact Marcia Locke, marcia@ksu.edu.

Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office
110 Calvin Hall
785-532-6904 | asdeans@k-state.edu
Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m.

View past issues on the college’s Newsletter page.