Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter

Category: Nov. 19, 2014

A note from the Dean’s Office

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

As we enter the waning weeks of the semester, take a few minutes to reflect on your experiences this semester – with students, faculty colleagues, family, and friends – for which you are thankful.

I will share that I’m thankful for what will be very soon three fantastic years as dean at Kansas State, and a family who supported me in the move to a new adventure. I’m thankful for our college faculty and staff who do so much to impact the lives of our students through their teaching, mentoring, and advising. I’m thankful for the staff who make our jobs enjoyable and productive. I’m thankful for our students who are seeking that Arts & Sciences educational experience that will prepare them to go out into the world and make a difference. I’m thankful for our alumni and friends who share their talents, time, and treasure with us – they share great stories and ideas with us and draw pleasure from investing in the people who are K-State.

Whether you are headed over the river and through the woods or are planning to stay here in Manhattan, have a safe, thoughtful, and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday.



University Climate Survey closes today, Nov. 19

Spring 2015 College of Arts & Sciences calendar (listed under Academic Affairs)

K-State faculty invited to develop open or alternative textbooks

Reminder: Call for proposals for December round of Academic Excellence Funding

Anti-discrimination training offered in November, December

K-State Online: Training available for the upgrade to Canvas

Kansas State University launches free safety app

Dates for fall 2014 online TEVALs

College Calendar


19 – New Transfer Student Orientation & Enrollment
21 – Summer 2015 Line Schedule Deadline
24-28 – Student Thanksgiving Holiday
27-28 – Thanksgiving Holiday
29 – College of Arts & Sciences Football Tailgate


1 – Junior Day
5 – Fall 2015 Line Schedule Deadline
5 – Junior Day
12 – Last day of Fall 2013 semester
12 – Graduate Commencement, 1:00 p.m., Bramlage Coliseum
13 – Undergraduate Commencement, 9:00 a.m., Bramlage Coliseum
Continue reading “College Calendar”


The goal of this eNewsletter is helpful and relevant to you, our ArtSci faculty and staff. If there is something we missed or should include in future issues, email your suggestions and feedback to Tom Roesler at troz@k-state.edu.