Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter

Category: Sept. 24, 2014

A note from the Dean’s Office

Greetings, Arts & Sciences Colleagues!

Welcome/welcome back to the new semester. It doesn’t seem possible that we are already four weeks in! One of my goals is to increase faculty participation in research, scholarly and creative activities, and discovery (RSCAD) in our College; to that end I am providing information on upcoming funding opportunities. Continue reading “A note from the Dean’s Office”


We have started a College of Arts & Sciences student newsletter. If you have opportunities, jobs, etc. you want students throughout our entire college to know about, email Tom Roesler (troz@k-state.edu) with details and we’ll include it.

New Advisor Center in iSIS simplifies advising holds management

Nominations for the 2015 university distinguished professors due Oct. 6

Nominations open for Commerce Bank Presidential Awards due Oct. 15

New online resource connects students, tutors

Call for graduate student abstracts, faculty judges for Research and the State competition Oct. 28

College Calendar


24 – K-State Career Fair
26 – President Schulz’s State of the University address
26 – Deadline for the Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholar to the Provost
26 – Deadline to submit course and curriculum changes to be considered at the November 13th Arts & Sciences Faculty meeting
27 – K-State Family Day
27 – College of Arts & Sciences Football Tailgate
29 – Last day to drop a regular session course without a W


3 – Deadline for University Distinguished Professor nominations to the Provost
4 – College of Arts & Sciences Football Tailgate
6 – Deadline for University Small Research Grants and Faculty Development Awards Continue reading “College Calendar”