Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

For your students (and you too)!

ArtSci Mentorship Program

Please encourage your undergraduate students to participate in the Arts and Sciences Mentorship Program. It pairs students with professional mentors who understand their goals and share firsthand knowledge and experiences to help the students transition to professional life. Students should sign up by Mon., Sept. 4, to be onboarded in time for the Sept. 11 start. It runs through early December.

To participate, students should “join” WildcatLink using their K-State eID and then request membership in the ArtSci Mentorship Program. After approval, they’ll receive email communication through the WildcatLink platform.

We need mentors! Please consider joining as a mentor. Follow the same process, except apply to be a mentor. Mentors are asked to meet with their mentees at least once a month (4 times total). Mentees will be at different stages of career readiness, from first-year students through seniors.

For more info, email program coordinator Zac Malcolm at malcoz@ksu.edu.


ArtSci Week of Welcome events
Arts & Sciences Coffee Break

Students get free Bluestem Bistro coffee and Varsity donuts.
Tue., Aug. 22 | 9-11am
Calvin Hall Front Lawn

ArtSci Aggieville Adventure

Explore Aggieville in an action-packed scavenger hunt and receive free caffeine and prizes. The first 40 students receive an Aggieville swag bag.
Wed., Aug. 23 | 4-6pm
Calvin Hall Front Lawn