Kansas State University


Arts & Sciences Faculty & Staff Newsletter


Dr. Chris Culbertson, Dean of K-State's College of Arts and SciencesDear Colleagues,

I hope you had a great summer and are excited for the 2024-2025 academic year! We want you to have everything you need to thrive. In this and future newsletters, you’ll find useful information, resources and updates about our college and events. We are planning some fun and informative activities for staff and faculty and hope you’ll join us.

Coming up first is our Arts and Sciences Welcome Social at 4 p.m. today, Wed., Aug. 14, in the Alumni Center Tointon Great Room. All staff and faculty members are invited to come catch up with colleagues and meet new faculty members before classes begin. We’ll provide refreshments and the marching band will entertain us as they rehearse in Memorial Stadium!

We also hope you’ll join in at least one of our three ArtSci Drop-By events this semester. All college staff and faculty members are invited to this casual get-together following the Sept. 5, Oct. 3 and Nov. 7 faculty meetings. More details are below.

Watch for our Coffee Collabs, too. They offer an opportunity to learn from university partners and network with colleagues who have similar interests or roles as you.

Lastly, please consider joining in the faculty meetings. We want your input. This semester, we’ll be working on the college strategic plan, developing a workload policy, giving feedback on the new strategic enrollment plan, finding ways to increase efficiencies, and discussing new IT policies.

We continue to work hard to improve our systems and policies, communicate better with everyone in the college, and set the college up for success. If you ever need anything, please contact my office at asdeans@k-state.edu. Your input is valued.


Chris Culbertson, Dean
Professor of Chemistry