Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter


New Department Heads

We welcome those who recently started serving as department heads!

  • Peri Da Silva, head of economics
  • David Schmitt, head of psychological sciences
  • Christie Launius, interim head of social transformation studies
  • Colene Lind, acting head of A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication
  • Perla Reyes, acting head of statistics


Human Resources
Pay periods and pay dates

Please note, 9-month employees’ first paychecks will deposit on Sept. 1. The last paycheck of the academic year will deposit on May 24. View all pay periods and dates.

Conflict of Interest

Unclassified Staff must complete the Conflict of Interest form each year. If you have not done so already, please do so as soon as possible. Reminder emails will be sent from the college beginning Aug. 23. Log in to HRIS > Employee Self Service > Personal Information.


To receive your premium discount for 2024 health insurance, you must earn 40 credits before December 31, 2023.

  • Once you have earned the 40 credits, print that page from your HealthQuest portal.
  • You’ll need to set up a new account if you haven’t done so yet for 2023.
  • Employee enters employee ID.
Student employee hires

Student employees must complete their hiring paperwork before they begin working. Complete the Student Hire form, have your department head sign it, and submit it to your Human Resources liaison. We will work as quickly as we can to get your student hired.


Important dates for students and course planning

Please read this overview of fall syllabi resources and requirements from the Provost’s Office and update your syllabi to include the mandatory K-State Course Syllabi Statements.

Consider including these dates in your program for the benefit of students:

  • Sept. 11: Last Day for 100% Refund for Standard Classes
  • Sept. 15: A/Pass/Fail Grading Option Request Deadline
  • Sept. 18: Last Day for 50% Refunds for Standard Classes
  • Sept. 25: Last Day to Drop Classes with no ‘W’ grade reflected on official transcript
  • Oct. 27: Last day to Withdraw from a course with ‘W’ grade reflected on official transcript

Progress reports will be available in SSC Navigate Fri., Sept. 15, and will close Mon., Sept. 25. All faculty are expected to participate in progress reports and provide feedback on their students. The goal is to provide an early warning system for at-risk students, allowing timely intervention by advisors and university resources to support student success. Learn more here.

University Academic Calendar 2023-2024


Gen Eds and College Requirements

K-State is implementing a new general education system, K-State Core, effective Fall 2024.

To adjust to this new system, the college is establishing a new set of college requirements. Information about progress and the working group drafting the proposal will be posted to the college’s Faculty/Staff Resources page soon.

The first read and discussion of these requirements will occur at the Sept. 7 faculty meeting. A second meeting will be held Sept. 28 to vote on the requirements.

Every program will need to provide a catalog update that aligns it with the new gen eds, incorporates the updated college requirements, and shows all 120 CH of requirements for the degree. If a program offers both a BA and a BS, we will need to submit a separate set of requirements for each degree. These should be submitted by this November.

It will be very important for all faculty and advisors in the college to be aware of and provide input on these curricular developments, both within your units and at the college level. Please be sure to note the dates of faculty meetings and be on the lookout for updates.