Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter


Human Resources and Accounting

Action required—Health Insurance Open Enrollment

You must re-enroll for 2025 health benefits even if you do not intend to change your coverage. Enrollment is open Oct. 1-31. Learn more.

Veterans Day policy

The university will be open and classes in session on Veterans Day, Mon., Nov. 11. Only employees required to conduct necessary business should be requested to work. Non-exempt employees who work shall be compensated at 1.5 times (time or pay). Twelve-month exempt staff or faculty who work will be given equivalent time off to use on a later date. If you work on Veterans Day in a Shared Services department (see below), please email astime@ksu.edu with your supervisor copied.

More information is at PPM Chapter 4860.

Shared Services departments: Art; Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics; Chemistry; Miller School of Media and Communication; Geography and Geospatial Sciences; Geology; History; Modern Languages; School of Music, Theatre, Dance; Political Science; Psychological Sciences; Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work; Statistics; Social Transformation Studies

Voting Privileges: Election Day – Nov. 5

Polling locations are generally open 7 a.m.-7 p.m., allowing most employees to vote outside work hours. If an employee cannot get to the polls outside of work hours, time should be allowed to go vote without leave being charged.

ArtSci H.R. and Accounting events Oct. 7 and Nov. 6

We invite all college faculty and staff to our Benefits Presentation on Oct. 7 and our Coffee Collab on Nov. 6. More information is in the Upcoming Events and Meetings section of this newsletter.


ArtSci degree requirements update

Overlay and Restricted Electives request form now available 

An updated fillable form is now available for departments to submit requests for a course to be added to the designated restricted electives or overlay list. Five committees have been formed and will begin reviewing requests this month. Courses submitted this past year will be considered and departments do not need to resubmit them. Please submit any further requests as soon as possible. 

 Committee Meeting Schedule for Fall 2024 
  • Ethical Reasoning Overlay – Oct. 15 
  • Global Perspectives Overlay – Oct. 22
  • U.S. Multicultural Overlay – TBD 
  • Natural Science Restricted Elective – Nov. 12
  • Quantitative Social Science Elective – Nov. 1

More details were sent via email and can be found on the college degree requirements, electives and overlays page. For questions, contact Associate Dean Scott Tanona, stanona@ksu.edu, 532-6900, or Curriculum Development Manager Becky O’Donnell, bodonnel@ksu.edu, 532-0357.


Important dates

Oct. 11 – Wildcat Pause Day (student break, no classes, university is open)
Oct. 25 – Last Day to Withdraw from regular session course—‘W’ on transcript
Nov. 1 – Deadline to apply for several Arts and Sciences Awards
Nov. 11 – Veterans Day (K-State open, classes in session)
Nov. 24-30 – Thanksgiving Break: No Classes
Nov. 28-29 – Thanksgiving Holiday Observed: Campus Closed

Full 2024-2025 academic calendar

Student enrollment begins Oct. 21

Faculty and staff members with advisor responsibilities should be reaching out to students, scheduling campaigns, and meeting with students to support them during enrollment. More info about enrollment dates is on the Registrar’s Priority Dates & Enrollment Times page.