Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter


Office of the Provost awards

Nominations for the following university awards are due by 4:30 p.m. Mon., Feb. 5. Follow the links for more info or contact Tanya González, interim associate provost for institutional effectiveness, tgonzale@k-state.edu. 

Office of Research Development awards

Faculty Development Awards and University Small Research Grant applications are due by 5 p.m. March 4.

  • Faculty Development Award: Support for travel to international meetings or to meet with program officers from potential external sponsors. For travel/projects occurring Jan. 1 to June 30, apply in the fall. For travel/projects occurring July 1 to Dec. 31, apply in spring.  
  • University Small Research Grants: Seed grants to support early research, scholarly activity and other creative efforts.

Learn more and see fall 2023 awardees.

Recognize outstanding graduate students

Nominate graduate students for recognition at the Graduate Student Council End-of-Year Banquet. The college can recognize 10 outstanding graduate students who have received recognitions in their fields during the 2023-2024 academic year. To nominate a grad student, email a brief description of their extraordinary achievement to Laura Hohenbary, laura8@ksu.edu. 

Doug Benson student award for promoting diversity

The College of Arts and Sciences Diversity Committee invites applications for the Professor Douglas K. Benson Award. This student award provides $500-1,000 and honors Benson’s tireless advocacy on diversity issues at K-State and beyond. The deadline is March 15. More info is on the Benson Award page.

Cancer research awards for grad students and faculty

K-State’s Johnson Cancer Research Center offers competitive award programs for faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows. Graduate student award applications are due Feb.16 and faculty award applications are due March 1. Learn more from this announcement.

Nominate a graduating student for an Alumni Association award

Nominate a graduating student for one of 18 Alumni Association awards recognizing accomplishments in leadership, service, advocacy and academics. Deadline is March 7. Learn more 

Show ArtSci staff some love!

K-State Human Resources is accepting nominations for five unclassified professional staff and three university support staff awards in a variety of categories. More info is in this announcement.

And don’t forget the university’s monthly Staff Spotlight Award program.

Girls Researching Our World needs activity facilitators

Faculty, staff and student organizations are invited to design and facilitate hands-on STEM activities for middle school students at the Girls Researching Our World (GROW) workshop March 2. Proposals are due Feb. 16. More info is on the Workshop Facilitators page.