Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

College Calendar


20 – Senior Day
20 – Emeriti requests due to Dean’s Office
24 – Last day to drop a regular session course without a W
27 – First year faculty are notified of or non-reappointment for 2015-2016
27 – Deadline to submit course and curriculum changes to be considered at the April 2nd Arts & Sciences Faculty meeting

Click to find the Spring 2015 calendar under Academic Affairs

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

It’s not always easy to catch everything that’s happening in our college on K-State Today. Here are a collection of stories of things that made headlines in our college over the last few weeks:

27th annual Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture

A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications students visit Costa Rica in joint tourism class in January

Five of the six K-State students featured at Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol from ArtSci

Uwe Thumm, Physics, receives Humboldt award for lifetime research achievements

Criminologist ‘hacks’ the hacker, explores meaning of hacking

Sociology alumna to discuss state’s role in women’s suffrage movement


The goal of this eNewsletter is helpful and relevant to you, our ArtSci faculty and staff. If there is something we missed or should include in future issues, email your suggestions and feedback to Tom Roesler at troz@k-state.edu.

A note from the Dean’s Office

Dear A&S Colleagues,

Kimathi_Choma 200x200Now that we have hit the ground running and are three weeks into the semester, things are moving along quite nicely. Last week, we came together to celebrate the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I would like to thank all of those who attended and supported these events and specifically the Arts & Sciences’ Teach-In on the State of Civil Rights. I especially would like to thank Dr. Tanya Gonzalez, associate professor of English and Chair of the College of Arts & Sciences Diversity Committee, for her leadership on this event. I have received a lot of positive feedback about the Teach-In.

February is not only the month that we celebrate people whom we love, but it is also Black History Month (BHM). As a child, I always wondered why Black history was Continue reading “A note from the Dean’s Office”


K-State Online: More Canvas walk-in workshops added

Call for nominations: Commerce Bank Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award

Nominations open for staff awards of excellence

Community Café for Racial Justice

Registration now open for Digital Humanities Symposium on Feb. 27-28

Michigan’s CRLT Players to visit K-State Feb. 5, focus on helping GTA’s, faculty and administrators

Call for nominations for Putting Students First Award for Outstanding Service to Students

College Calendar


5 – CRLT Players performances (GTAs and new faculty are invited)
5 – ArtSci Faculty meeting, 4 p.m., EH 015
6 – Transfer Visit Day
6 – Instructor Intersession proposals due to Global Campus
20 – Senior Day
20 – Emeriti requests due to Dean’s Office
24 – Last day to drop a regular session course without a W
27 – First year faculty are notified of or non-reappointment for 2015-2016
27 – Deadline to submit course and curriculum changes to be considered at the April 2nd Arts & Sciences Faculty meeting

Click to find the Spring 2015 calendar under Academic Affairs

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

It’s not always easy to catch everything that’s happening in our college on K-State Today. Here are a collection of stories of things that made headlines in our college over the last few weeks:

Biology graduate student wins Konza Prairie Volunteer Award

Mulready-Stone publishes book on youth in wartime Shanghai

K-State nominates four ArtSci students for Truman Scholarship

Four ArtSci students nominated for Goldwater Scholarship

Five ArtSci students earn honors for presentations at annual K-INBRE bioscience symposium


The goal of this eNewsletter is helpful and relevant to you, our ArtSci faculty and staff. If there is something we missed or should include in future issues, email your suggestions and feedback to Tom Roesler at troz@k-state.edu.

A note from the Dean’s Office

dorhout_deanswelcomeHappy New Year, Faculty!

Welcome back from what I hope was a restful and reflective winter break. For those expecting some less-than-prosaic ditty about spring or a PG-rated Learean limerick, alas, this will be a let down. However, for those of you who are thinking that “now is the winter of our discontent” because the dean has lost his edge, I have been humming my favorite tune from The Who’s Who’s Next album, and I anticipate my perennial bulbs will soon appreciate the fall fertilizer that was spread.

Enough with the metaphors. Continue reading “A note from the Dean’s Office”


January brings music, art, dancing and more to Kansas State University

K-State Online: Updated Canvas training now available

Hazard communication training dates for January-March

MLK Week of Observance schedule of events

Big 12 Faculty Fellowship Program accepting applications

Excellence in Engagement Awards deadline approaching

Free screening of ‘Spies of Mississippi’ at the Beach Museum of Art

New course equivalency Web tool for transfer students now live

K-State Online: SpeedGrader app now available on iPhone, iPad, Android devices