Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Faculty/Staff Newsletter

Resources and Opportunities

Faculty and Staff Resources

Many policies, forms, awards and other resources are accessible on the college’s Faculty and Staff Resources page. It’s under the ‘About’ tab at the top of our website, artsci.k-state.edu.

Funding and recognition awards available

Awards and scholarships are available for outstanding faculty, staff and students! Please nominate, apply and encourage others to apply for college and other awards listed in our 2023-24 ArtSci Awards List (pdf), accessible on our Faculty and Staff Resources page. This list is not exhaustive but includes many ArtSci-relevant awards. Circumstances may change, so always check with the award sponsor before applying.

Be part of the art department’s printmaking conference in 2024!

sunflower graphic that says "From the Ashes"The art department has been selected to host the Mid America Print Council’s 2024 conference, “From the Ashes: Printmaking, Preservation, and Renewal,” in Manhattan in October. The conference will explore the relationship between art, science and environmental sustainability. A variety of K-State units, including Hale Library, College of Architecture, Planning & Design, and Beach Museum of Art, are contributing space, presenters, demonstrations and more. Learn more at www.mapc2024.com. More collaborators are welcome; contact Jason Scuilla at jscuilla@ksu.edu.

Adobe Creative Suite is now free!

Adobe Creative Cloud Suite licenses are now free for K-State faculty and staff. Learn more.