ArtSci awards and grants available for faculty, staff and students
Dean’s Office
Various awards
Applications/Nominations due Nov. 1
College of Arts and Sciences awards and scholarships are available for outstanding faculty, staff and students! Nominate, apply and encourage others to apply for our college’s Gaches, Stamey and Maggio teaching, advising and staff awards as well as our undergraduate research awards.
Chapman Center for Rural Studies
Interdisciplinary Research Grant
Pre-proposal due Oct. 25
The Chapman Center for Rural Studies is seeking proposals from Arts and Sciences faculty to foster interdisciplinary research and engagement in the Great Plains with a preference for work that includes rural communities.
K-State internal grants and awards
Office of Research Development
Faculty Development Awards and University Small Research Grants
Due Oct. 7
- Faculty Development Award: Support for travel to international meetings or to meet with program officers from potential external sponsors. Apply now for travel/projects occurring Jan. 1 to June 30.
- University Small Research Grants: Seed grants to support early research, scholarly activity and other creative efforts