Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Student Newsletter

Resources to check out

Career development opportunities


The ArtSci Mentorship Program, which is open to all undergraduate students in the college, pairs students with professionals who provide insight and guidance for career preparation and pathways and help develop a professional network. Sign up by Sept. 4 to be onboarded in time for the program launch Sept. 11. To sign up, activate your WildcatLink account by signing in with your K-State eID and password, and then request membership in the ArtSci Mentorship Program. While awaiting approval, complete your profile. For information, contact the program coordinator, Zac Malcolm, malcoz@ksu.edu.

Professional Networking and Employment Events

Health Professions Networking Night
Tue., Sept. 12 | 5:30-7:30 p.m. | Union Ballroom
Co-sponsored by the College of Health & Human Sciences

The Health Professions Networking Night will give students the opportunity to build professional relationships with a variety of health industry employers in this area. It is for anyone considering careers in physical therapy, family or specialty medicine, hospitals, nursing homes, EMS, chiropractic, public health, fitness, and more. We’ll host a lunch-time workshop at 11:30-12:30 Sept. 5 to help students navigate the event and maximize this opportunity.

Coming in October…

Helping Professions Networking Night
Thu., Oct. 19 | 5:30-7:30 p.m. | Union Bluemont Room
Co-sponsored by the College of Health & Human Sciences

Arts & Sciences Alumni Career Panel and Networking
Thu., Oct. 26 | 11:30-1 p.m. | Location TBD
Four dynamic ArtSci alumni who have built exceptional careers since their time at K-State will discuss doing environmental/sustainability, humanities, nonprofit and government work. Come hear how they developed their careers, how their college experience helped, and advice for entering the job market. This is an excellent professional development opportunity!

Open Option has Drop-In Hours!

Not sure what you should major in? Drop in to 107 Calvin Hall to talk to an Open Option advisor!

Tuesdays | 9:30-11 a.m.
Wednesdays | 1:30-3 p.m.
Thursdays | 2:30-4 p.m.

They can help you:

  • Explore K-State academic programs
  • Identify your current struggles and develop a plan for solving them
  • Find and navigate university resources
  • Understand your GPA and university policies and deadlines
  • Find and understand your curriculum

Learn more about Open Option

Public Transportation Update

Flint Hills ATA provides public bus service, including K-State Park & Ride, which operates on campus for free with a K-State ID. A recent change, however, is that all riders must now pay bus fares when off campus (previously free for K-State ID-holders). Learn more from this article from KMAN news radio.