Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Student Newsletter


Finals got you stressed? Pet a puppy!

graphic with info about Pet Away the Stress event 12/5/23Tue., Dec. 5
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
In front of Nichols Hall

Sponsored by School of Music, Theatre, and Dance and T. Russell Reitz Animal Shelter, City of Manhattan






10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In

"Save the Date" graphic about the 10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In Jan. 24, 2024Jan. 24, 2024 | 2:30-5 p.m. 
Leadership Studies Town Hall
K-State Martin Luther King, Jr., Observance Week

Come see presentations that spark powerful discussions regarding teaching and research as it pertains to current social issues and the legacy of activism at K-State and beyond.

Hint: Some professors give extra credit for attending.




ArtSci Mentorship Program restarts in January

The ArtSci Mentorship Program, open to all undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences, pairs students with professionals who provide insight and guidance for career preparation and pathways and help students develop a professional network. It’s facilitated on WildcatLink, where you can activate your account by signing in with your K-State eID. Watch for more information in January. The deadline to sign up is Jan. 29 in order to onboard everyone before the program launches Feb. 5. If you have questions, contact the program coordinator, Zac Malcolm, malcoz@ksu.edu.