Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Student Newsletter

Author: marcia


Dr. Chris CulbertsonWelcome to the Spring 2024 semester in the College of Arts & Sciences!

We look forward to meeting many of you through advisor meetings and events we’ll sponsor throughout the semester. In fact, we hope to see you at our Civil Rights Teach-In next Wed., Jan. 24! You can read about it below.

I encourage you to take advantage of the undergraduate research awards we offer. Recipients get $1,000 to do faculty-mentored research or creative projects. You can learn more about this program and some others below. Do something you’re passionate about to make your major come alive and personally relevant!

Even with good planning, things can go wrong. We’re here to help. If you have an issue that could negatively impact your success, contact us as soon as possible to help you solve it. Visit or email our Center for Student Success and Engagement in 107 Calvin Hall, artsci@k-state.edu. We in the Dean’s Office want to help you thrive and have a great college experience that leads to a rewarding career.

Chris Culbertson, Dean
Professor of Chemistry


purple dollar sign
FAFSA (federal financial aid application) now open

After federal delays, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open. You must submit the FAFSA to apply for federal financial aid including grants, work-study and loans. The new version takes only 10 minutes to complete. The priority date is March 1. Visit K-State’s FAFSA page.

Three reasons to fill out the FAFSA even if you don’t plan to use loans or other financial aid:

  1. Many students qualify for Pell grants and don’t realize it.
  2. Many scholarships awarded through KSN require financial information that is drawn directly from the FAFSA.
  3. It’s helpful for students to have all their options ready as back-up in case their finances change throughout the year.


Register for K-State scholarships by March 15!

K-State offers a lot of different scholarships. But you must register in K-State Scholarship Network to apply for them. Create a profile that matches you with all the scholarship opportunities you are eligible for. The priority date for current students applying for next year is March 15.


10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In

Wed., Jan. 24, 2024 | 2:30-5 p.m.
Leadership Studies Building, McVay Town Hall

graphic with info about the 10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In Jan. 24, 2024

Similar to a sit-in protest, a teach-in is an educational forum surrounding a complicated issue, often involving current political affairs. The College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to present the 10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In Jan. 24 as part of K-State’s Martin Luther King, Jr., Observance Week.

Join the conversation about social justice issues relating to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Come see some or all three of the presentations given from 2:30-5 p.m. at Leadership Studies Building, McVay Town Hall.

2:30-3:10 – Unveiling Historical Truths: How Treaties and Indigenous Knowledges Speak to Land Grant Promises

LaVerne Bitsie-Baldwin (Navajo), Indigenous Faculty and Staff Alliance (IFSA) co-chair and Multicultural Engineering Program director

Rebecca Paz, Office of First-Generation Students assistant director and Alianza historian

Corey Williamson, assistant vice president for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging and Black Faculty and Staff Alliance treasurer

Lisa Tatonetti, Coffman University Distinguished Teaching Professor and IFSA secretary

3:15-3:55 – Engaging Research: Students Working to Tell Land Grant Stories

Student panelists: Cassidy Hartig, Lillianna Lamagna, Elvia Lopez-Morales, Abigail Whitney (Choctaw)

Moderator: Mary Kohn, English professor and Chapman Center for Rural Studies director

4:00-5:00 – Imagining Otherwise: How Arts & Humanities Forward the Land Grant Mission

David Mackay, associate director of theater in School of Music, Theatre, and Dance


Important academic dates

See university academic calendar for more details.

Jan. 16 – First Day of Spring 2024 Classes. Late Enrollment Fee assessed.
Jan. 22 – Last Day to ADD Course(s) without Instructor Permission
Feb. 5 – Last Day for 100% Refund (16-week classes)
Feb. 5 – Last Day to Opt-Out for Full Textbook Refund
Feb. 5 – Instructors May Drop Students for Non-Attendance
Feb. 9 – A/Pass/Fail Grading Option Request Deadline
Feb. 9 – Academic Progress Reports Available in SSC-Navigate
Feb. 12 – Census: 20th Day Deadline for making changes to program/plan
Feb. 12 – Last Day for 50% Refund (16-week classes)


Student research funding opportunities

Student research opportunities abound in the College of Arts and Sciences, and we’re committed to making sure you get one if you want one. Every spring, summer and fall, the college provides $1,000 awards for undergraduate student research and creative endeavors, as well as travel funds to present at and attend conferences. Learn more on the college’s Student Research and Creative Inquiry Opportunities page.

The Johnson Cancer Research Center and Chapman Center for Rural Studies also offer research awards, as does K-State’s Office of Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research.


Mark Chapman Scholars Program

The Mark Chapman Scholars Program helps promising Arts and Sciences students fund meaningful summer projects early in their undergraduate careers and offers support for the following academic year. Five awards of $5,000 are given each year—$3,000 to fund a summer activity and $1,000 per semester in the following academic year. Applications are due March 1.


ArtSci Mentorship Program registration due January 29

Photo of two people chattingThe ArtSci Mentorship Program is open to all undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Students are paired with professionals who provide insight and guidance for career preparation and pathways and help students develop a professional network. It is facilitated on WildcatLink. Activate your account by signing in with your K-State eID. Sign up by Jan. 29 to be onboarded before the program launches Feb. 5. If you have questions, contact the program coordinator, Zac Malcolm, malcoz@ksu.edu.


Employer Pitch Nights through the Career Center

graphic showing info about Employer Pitch Nights for Health and Life SciencesK-State’s Career Center will host Employer Pitch Nights for various career pathways. These Zoom events, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., feature 10 employers each. In the first hour, employers get five minutes each to discuss their organizations and “pitch” jobs and internships. The final 30 minutes will be for breakout sessions in which students and employers can network, address questions about companies or jobs and discuss skills and experience employers look for. Details are still developing, so stay tuned in to the Career Center.

  • Health and Life Sciences – Jan. 30 and Feb. 1
  • Agriculture and Natural Resources – Feb. 6 and 8


Apply to show off your research at the Kansas Capitol

photo of students who presented research at the Kansas Capitol building in 2020Undergraduate researchers from all disciplines are encouraged to apply to present their research at Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol March 1. Click the link above to learn more about this poster symposium and apply by noon Feb. 1!



EXCITE Shadow Day ambassadors needed

graphic with photo of two female students and info about the KAWSE ambassador programK-State’s Office for the Advancement of Women in STEM (KAWSE) seeks STEM majors to serve as ambassadors for EXCITE, a program that pairs high school students, or shadows, with ambassadors majoring in the shadows’ fields of interest. Together, they attend classes, tour campus, eat lunch and talk about life as a Wildcat. A $10 meal card is provided to each.

Spring 2024 EXCITE Shadow Days will be Feb. 21, March 27, April 3 and 17. Learn more and apply at KAWSE’s Volunteer Opportunities page or contact program coordinator Stephanie Rose, stephrose@k-state.edu.


Gain teaching experience as an After-School Program volunteer

UFM logoUFM Community Learning Center seeks volunteers to help with elementary student tutoring sessions in creative art and science (or STEAM), math and reading. Sessions are from 4-6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, starting Jan. 29. A tutor training session is required. Contact Erin Ford at erin@tryufm.org.


Visit K-State’s One Stop Shop for help and resources

Photo of students in dorm roomK-State’s One Stop Shop is a great resource for information on academics, paying for college, student life, health and safety, and technology. Check it out whenever you wonder about money and jobs, involvement with groups and activities, housing, dining and more!


Arts and Sciences Student Research Awardees selected

Thirty-six College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate students are receiving research awards from the college for spring 2024. They will do faculty-mentored, semester-long research and creative projects and receive $1,000 scholarships.

The college is committed to providing a research opportunity to every Arts and Sciences student who wants one. These awards are offered in spring, summer and fall. Applications for this summer and fall are due March 1 and May 1, respectively.

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Johnson Cancer Research Center presents student awards

Photo of Cancer Research Awardees posing in an office

K-State’s Johnson Cancer Research Center selected 32 students from across the university to receive Cancer Research Awards for 2023-2024.

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Biology doctoral student receives Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences fellowship

Photo of Aleah QuernsAleah Querns, doctoral student in biology, was one of three K-State graduate students awarded fellowships for the spring 2024 semester by the natural resources and environmental sciences secondary major program.

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Chemistry Undergraduate Research Fellowships awarded

chemistry student research fellowship awardees and their faculty mentorsChemistry students Carson Cole and Prabhleen Kaur received $5,000 inaugural K-State Taylor Chair of Chemistry Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships to do full-time research this summer! Congrats to them and their faculty mentors, Drs. Sues and Higgins!


Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research grantees selected

More than 30 students received fall 2023 travel and research grants through K-State’s Office of Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research. 

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Social science writing contest winners announced 

graphic showing words "social science writing contest"

Congrats to Sawyer Shutts, senior in political science and international studies; Katey West, sophomore in political science, pre-law, with a minor in Middle East studies; and Max Wellbrock-Talley, senior in social science and minoring in political science and economics on winning the Live Ideas Social Science Writing Contest last fall! They won $200, $100 and $50 prizes.

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K-State chemist receives $1.1M NIH grant for research on ion atmospheres in biological systems

photo of Dr. Paul SmithK-State chemistry professor Paul Smith and team have received a $1.1 million NIH grant to develop a better strategy for studying ion atmospheres, which play a critical role in modulating interactions between biomolecules like proteins, DNA, RNA and lipids.

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Dr. Chris CulbertsonDear ArtSci Students,

It’s hard to believe it’s almost time for final exams and Fall 2023 Commencement!

We enjoyed getting to meet many of you at events like our Week of Welcome Coffee Break and Aggieville Adventure, the Lunches with the Deans, the ArtSci Education Abroad Fair and the Health and Helping Professions Networking Nights. And it was especially fulfilling to witness your many talents as you showcased your scholarly work and creative activities at research exhibits, stage performances and more. We look forward to seeing more of you next semester! (Be sure to join our Civil Rights Teach-In Jan. 24, during K-State’s Martin Luther King, Jr., Observance Week!)

For those of you graduating and moving on to the next phase of your life, congratulations! Earning a degree is a lot of work and you should be proud of your achievement. We look forward to seeing all that you accomplish and hope you’ll stay in touch (and consider serving as a mentor to students in the ArtSci Mentorship Program).

We look forward to celebrating our graduates at the Commencement ceremonies December 8 (graduate) and 9 (undergraduate), and to seeing the rest of you back in January!

On behalf of the ArtSci Dean’s Office, good luck on finals and have a great Winter Break!

Chris Culbertson
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Chemistry


New FAFSA due to launch this month

purple dollar signThe Free Application for Federal Student Aid is undergoing major changes. It is supposed to launch by Dec. 31, but no date has been announced as of the writing of this newsletter. Keep an eye on K-State’s FAFSA page.


Inclement weather guidelines
Photo of Willie the Wildcat mascot in snow
Photo credit: Scott Sewell-USA TODAY Sports

With winter weather here, you should probably brush up on K-State’s inclement weather guidelines. Start by reading this Preparing for Inclement Weather article in K-State Today.










Important dates

Dec. 8 – Fall 2023 Application for Graduation Closes
Dec. 8-9 – Manhattan Campus Commencements
Dec. 11-15 – Final Exams
Dec. 12 – Deadline to Return I-NR Grades
Dec. 19 – Fall 2023 Grades Due by 5 p.m.
Dec. 20 – Fall 2023 Grades available in KSIS
Dec. 25-29 – Winter Break: Campus Closed
Dec. 26 – First Day of January Intersession
Jan. 2 – Spring and Summer 2024 Application for Graduation is Open
Jan. 12 – Last Day of January Intersession
Jan. 12 – Spring 2024 Financial Aid Refunds Begin
Jan. 15 – Martin Luther King Jr Day Observed: Campus Closed
Jan. 16 – First Day of Spring 2024 Classes. Late Enrollment Fee ($65).
Jan. 22 – Last Day to ADD Course(s) without Instructor Permission 

View full 2023-2024 Academic Calendar (pdf)


Commencement reminders

Congratulations, graduates! You truly have made a great achievement! If you’re participating in undergraduate Commencement, remember to arrive at Bramlage Coliseum in your purple regalia by 7:30 a.m. Sat., Dec. 9, and head to your department’s ceiling sign on the Bramlage concourse. Bring a printout of your Grad Pass (all nice and smooth) and don’t bring personal items that don’t fit under your robe. More tips are on K-State’s Day-Of Ceremony Guide.

Enjoy your moment!
Graphic showing commencement reminders: Arrive at Bramlage by 7:30 a.m. Wear purple regalia. Park in west lot. Print and bring grad pass. Leave all personal items in car.


Finals got you stressed? Pet a puppy!

graphic with info about Pet Away the Stress event 12/5/23Tue., Dec. 5
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
In front of Nichols Hall

Sponsored by School of Music, Theatre, and Dance and T. Russell Reitz Animal Shelter, City of Manhattan






10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In

"Save the Date" graphic about the 10th Annual Civil Rights Teach-In Jan. 24, 2024Jan. 24, 2024 | 2:30-5 p.m. 
Leadership Studies Town Hall
K-State Martin Luther King, Jr., Observance Week

Come see presentations that spark powerful discussions regarding teaching and research as it pertains to current social issues and the legacy of activism at K-State and beyond.

Hint: Some professors give extra credit for attending.




ArtSci Mentorship Program restarts in January

The ArtSci Mentorship Program, open to all undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences, pairs students with professionals who provide insight and guidance for career preparation and pathways and help students develop a professional network. It’s facilitated on WildcatLink, where you can activate your account by signing in with your K-State eID. Watch for more information in January. The deadline to sign up is Jan. 29 in order to onboard everyone before the program launches Feb. 5. If you have questions, contact the program coordinator, Zac Malcolm, malcoz@ksu.edu.


Photo of Dayne Balmer in the Great Room at Hale LibraryWith final exams around the corner, you’ll be spending a lot of time studying, and home might not be the best spot for that. K-State has many great spots for studying!

A favorite study spot for many students, including Dayne Balmer, junior in environmental science, is the Great Room in Hale Library.

In fact, beautiful Hale Library offers a variety of quiet and functional study spaces, from the Great Room and Historic Farrell Library reading rooms to collaboration rooms with large monitors and white boards. Explore them all on Hale’s Study Spaces page.

Tell us your favorite place to study! Email marcia@ksu.edu a photo of yourself in your favorite spot (like our friend Dayne here), along with your name, grade level, major and what to call the spot, for a chance to win an Arts and Sciences swag bag and be in the newsletter!


English grad student recognized for exemplary teaching

Delaney Sullivan, English graduate studentDelaney Sullivan, master’s student in English, received a Graduate Student Council Award for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence. She wins $500 and will be one of K-State’s nominees for similar regional awards.

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Three ArtSci students win awards at Model UN conference

Image of flags with words "Model UN"K-State’s Model United Nations team competed against more than 1,400 students from 77 colleges and universities at the American Model UN International Collegiate Conference Nov. 18-21 in Chicago. Topics debated were natural disaster resiliency and financing of clean energy.

Three ArtSci students won awards:

  • Andrew Navarro, junior in political science, pre-law, with a minor in Spanish.
  • Jacob Hofman, senior in political science, pre-law, and economics with a minor in statistics.
  • Maria Velazco, freshman in sociology and international studies with a minor in business.

Read more about the conference.

Model United Nations is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and other multilateral bodies. In Model UN, students represent UN member states and debate current issues. K-State’s Model UN competes in annual conferences in Chicago and elsewhere.


¡Viva San Fermín!: K-State student visits home of the Running of the Bulls

Madison Quinn's selfie with friends in SpainMadison Quinn, junior in Spanish and advertising and public relations with a minor in marketing, shares her experience studying in Spain as part of a K-State summer abroad program. Read about her visit to Pamplona and the route of the world-famous, centuries-old event in her blog post published by K-State Education Abroad.


Professors to know!
Go places with media and communication professor Andrew Smith!

Photo of Andrew Smith and another man holding up a powercat t-shirtDr. Smith was recently chosen from applicants across the country to participate in a faculty and administrative education abroad workshop in Barcelona, Spain, and he regularly teaches photography and digital storytelling courses for the K-State in Italy summer program and has taken students to London to learn mobile journalism (and will again next spring).

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Get a lesson in chemistry from Dr. Yasmin Patell!

graphic showing photo of Yasmin Patell with text about her being selected as professor of the weekDr. Patell is a popular Chemistry I and II lecturer who impacts well over a thousand undergraduate students a year. She’s known for her highly organized lectures, carefully optimized to help students learn the unique concepts covered in first-year chemistry. This is just one of her many teaching awards.

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