Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Student Newsletter

Category: 2024 April


Mock Interviews with Arts and Sciences Alumni
  • Fri., April 5 | 1:30 and 2:45 p.m. | Zoom (materials due 5 p.m. April 3)
  • Fri., April 12 | 4 and 5:15 p.m. | Zoom (materials due 5 p.m. April 10)
  • Thu., April 18 | 9 a.m.-5 p.m. | 8 slots, in-person (materials due 5 p.m. April 12)

Juniors and seniors are invited to practice job application and interviewing skills at mock interviews with Arts and Sciences Alumni Council members! Students will submit in advance a job ad, resumé and 1-page cover letter and then select a mock interview time slot. Students will receive robust feedback from the alums to improve their skills and expand their alumni network.

Interview slots are limited; please register using this sign-up sheet by Thu., April 4, for the April 5 slots and by Wed., April 10, for the April 12 and 18 slots. You’ll need to send your materials to artsci@ksu.edu by these dates to allow alumni panelists to individualize the process. Upon registering, you’ll be told next steps.

For questions, contact our Center for Student Success and Engagement at artsci@ksu.edu or 785-532-6904.


K-State Open House
photo of glassblower and flame
Scientific Glassblower Jim Hodgson, in the chemistry department, gives demonstration at Open House

Sat., April 6 | 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

The College of Arts & Sciences Expo will be in the Union Courtyard, and other fun activities will take place all around campus, including glassblowing, fine arts exhibitions, a critter fair, a physics demo that might cause sparks to fly, a broadcast studio tour, and more! Learn more.


Hot Times: Imagining a Sustainable Future for the Heartland

Mon., April 22, Earth Day
4:30 reception
5:30 film screening and panel discussion
K-State Student Union, Forum Hall and Courtyard

Co-sponsored by Students for Environmental Action, College of Arts and Sciences, and Kansas Water Institute

Dave Kendall, Prairie Hollow Productions, will show parts of his latest documentary, “Hot Times in the Heartland,” about the local impact on and response to climate change in Kansas. The film, which will air on multiple PBS stations, features four K-State experts who will give a panel discussion after the screening: John Blair, biology; Chuck Rice, agronomy; Logan Thompson, animal science & industry; and Chip Redmond, Kansas Mesonet. Read more.


Provost Lecture Series featuring Coffman Chair Lisa Tatonetti

“Treaties, Teaching, and First-Gen Land Grant Responsibilities” 

Photo of Dr. Lisa TatonettiTue., April 23 | 3:30-5 p.m.
204/205 Multicultural Center
and Livestream

Lisa Tatonetti is a professor of English and K-State’s 2023-2024 Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholars. Learn more.



First-Generation Graduation Celebration

graphic with info about first-gen graduation celebrationFri., May 10 | 7 p.m.
Forum Hall, Union

Are you a first-generation college student graduating from K-State this semester or summer? You and your supporters are invited to a special celebration honoring your achievement! Students in attendance will receive a green cord to wear during Commencement and will be recognized in a slideshow during the ceremony. Register at bit.ly/FGGrad.


Arts & Sciences Commencement

photo of people wearing purple caps and gowns and holding a Powercat flagSat., May 11 | 8:30 a.m.
Bramlage Coliseum

Congrats to all our graduating students! The Spring 2024 College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate commencement ceremony will be at 8:30 a.m. Sat., May 11, at Bramlage Coliseum. Graduate Student Commencement is at 1 p.m. Fri., May 10, at Bramlage Coliseum.

Graduating seniors, please:

  • Wear purple regalia.
  • Arrive by 7:30 a.m. to line up with your department.
  • Park in the west lot.
  • Remember to bring your printed Grad Pass!
  • Place tassels on the right and pin honor cords on the left shoulder.
  • Do not bring personal items that you can’t wear under your gown, including purses, cameras, etc.
  • Wear comfortable shoes; you’ll be standing a long time and using stairs.

For more details about Commencement, including parking and schedule, visit K-State’s Graduation website and Day-of-Celebration Guide.


Important academic dates

April 5 – Applications for Residency Reclassification for Tuition and Fees may begin to be submitted for Summer 2024 Semester
April 12 – Summer 2024 Early Enrollment Ends – Open Registration Begins

May 3 – Spring 2024 Application for Graduation Closes
May 3 – Last Day of Classes (Grade rosters created at 5 p.m. in KSIS)
May 4 – Salina Commencement
May 6-10 Final Examinations
May 7 – Deadline to Return I-NR Grades
May 7 – Summer 2024 Tuition & Fee Assessment/Bills Available in KSIS
May 10-11 – Manhattan Commencement
May 13 – First Day of May Intersession (Late Enrollment Fee Assessed)

Full Academic Calendar


Apply for a $1,000 Arts and Sciences research award!

Set yourself apart with a mentored research experience! Undergraduate students enrolled full-time in any College of Arts and Sciences major are invited to apply for $1,000 research awards to conduct projects with faculty mentors. The deadline for fall is May 1.


Re-enrollment Scholarship Drawing!

purple dollar signHave you met with your advisor to get your flag lifted? Enrolled in courses during your enrollment window? Full-time, degree-seeking Arts and Sciences students enrolled in at least 12 fall-semester credit hours by 11:59 p.m. April 10 will be entered into a drawing for a $500 scholarship for fall 2024 tuition!

Four student winners meeting these criteria will be drawn on April 12:

  • Enrolled in Arts and Sciences degree-seeking program for fall 2024
  • Enrolled in at least 12 credit hours
  • In good academic standing.


ArtSci Enrollment Help Days

April 3 & 10 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | 318 Calvin Hall

Dean’s Office advisors will be available to help you enroll in classes for summer or fall. Please note, these are not advising sessions. You must already have your flag lifted and your classes planned with an advisor.

graphic showing info about Arts and Sciences Enrollment Help Days



photo collage of sarah buchanan and chloe wallaceCongratulations to Arts and Sciences advisors Sarah Buchanan, pictured left, and Chloe Wallace on receiving Charlie Awards from the K-State Advisor Forum! The peer nominated award recognizes outstanding academic advisors for their hard work and dedication. It celebrates those who creatively engage in their work, have a positive impact on students, and demonstrate leadership.

Sarah Buchanan is the academic advisor for the psychological sciences department. Read more.

Chloe Wallace is the academic advisor and program administrator for the environmental science program. Read more.


Photo of Dean Chris Culbertson and students sitting at tableWe enjoyed having students visit for Lunch with the Deans March 27! Dean Culbertson shared information about resources and future plans as well as about his life as a college student and father of four adult children. The students got to ask questions and enjoy free pizza and purple lemonade!

Keep an eye out for more social activities from the college. In April, we’re celebrating Arts and Sciences graduate students with a pizza party, and in May, we’ll host a graduation celebration with Willie the Wildcat!


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For help with anything, contact:
Arts and Sciences Center for Student Success and Engagement
107 Calvin Hall
785-532-6904 | artsci@k-state.edu
Hours: Mon-Fri | 8-noon and 1-5

Share your news!
Contact Marcia Locke, marcia@ksu.edu.

This Student Newsletter is distributed to all current K-State College of Arts and Sciences students via email listserv. Past issues are available on the college’s Newsletter page.