Week of Welcome Ice Cream Social
Wed., Aug. 21
12-1 p.m.
Calvin Hall East Lawn
All Arts and Sciences students are invited to our Week of Welcome Ice Cream Social! Come make new friends, meet the deans, learn about the college, and enjoy a scoop of Call Hall ice cream!
World Religions Festival

Tue., Aug. 27
7-10 p.m.
Student Union, Forum Hall
Learn about and celebrate major faiths of the world at the World Religions Festival, sponsored by the anthropology program. It will feature short, TED-style talks from leaders of common and lesser-known religions, plus musical performances, videos, prayers and other spiritual practices, followed by a one-hour reception with music, food and exhibits.
Lunch with the Deans: New Students

Tue., Sept. 10
12-1 p.m.
301 Calvin Hall
New College of Arts and Sciences students are invited to our first Lunch with the Deans of the Fall 2024 semester! Join us for pizza and conversation with the deans! RSVP is required.
Health Networking Night
Tue., Sept. 10
5:30-7 p.m.
Student Union Ballroom
Meet health profession employers at Health Networking Night, co-sponsored by the College of Health and Human Sciences! Check it out if you’re thinking about a career in physical therapy, medicine, EMS, public health, fitness or any other health-related field.
Also, watch for Helping Professions Networking Night Oct. 8.
Education Abroad Expo
Thu., Sept. 12
11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m.
Hale Library, Room 181
Learn about education abroad opportunities in the College of Arts and Sciences and throughout the university. Visit with faculty members who lead short-term programs. Find out about scholarships, the Passport Center and more! Treats provided.
Important Dates
Mon., Aug. 19: First day of classes for fall semester
Sun., Aug. 25: Last day to ADD courses without instructor permission
Mon., Sept. 2: Labor Day, no classes
Mon., Sept. 9: Last Day for 100% Refund (16-week classes only); Instructors May Drop Students for Non-Attendance
Fri., Sept. 13: A/Pass/Fail Grading Option Request Deadline
Mon., Sept. 16: Last Day for 50% Refund (16-week classes only)
View full 2024-2025 Academic Calendar