Hello, Arts and Sciences Students!
We’re so glad to have you here for the Fall 2024 semester! We hope you have a great semester and we are here to help you! In this and future newsletters, you’ll find information about exciting opportunities, helpful resources and funĀ and informative events. Keep reading to be in-the-know and get the most out of your time at K-State!
Chris Culbertson, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Chemistry
Mary Cain, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, Professor in Psychological Sciences
Kimathi Choma, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Recruitment and Retention
Christie Launius, Associate Dean for Student Success, Engagement and Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor in Social Transformation Studies
Ben Stark, Assistant Dean for Infrastructure and Faculty Support, Professor of Theatre
Scott Tanona, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Associate Professor of Philosophy