K-State Proud is coming to our college! Come visit the K-State Proud table in Eisenhower Hall on Thursday, February 11 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Stop by to donate to receive this year’s K-State Proud shirt and help reach the goal of raising one MILLION dollars to help fellow K-State students! Then wear your shirt to the Sunflower Showdown games on February 13 and 20!
K-State Proud is a student-led, nationally recognized fundraising campaign for K-State. Guided by the leadership of Student Foundation, the campaign encourages students to show their K-State pride through philanthropy. All student campaign donations establish Student Opportunity Awards for fellow K-State students. In the first nine years of the campaign, students have established a culture of philanthropy by raising more than $930,000 for their peers who are struggling financially.