Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Student Newsletter

2015-2016 College of Arts & Sciences Student Ambassadors Announced

The College of Arts & Sciences has selected 27 new student ambassadors for the 2015-2016 academic year. The purpose of the College of Arts & Sciences Student Ambassador program is to promote pride in and develop awareness of our college among prospective students, parents, alumni, and the general public.

The new members join 18 returning ambassadors, all of whom volunteer their time and Continue reading “2015-2016 College of Arts & Sciences Student Ambassadors Announced”

Launch Your Career by Studying Abroad

SAlogo(150x150)By Kara Warren
Study Abroad Office

You’ve probably heard that studying abroad can help you in your professional endeavors. You might have even heard that it can set you—and your résumé—apart from other job candidates. The good news is, the things you’ve heard are true! Here are a few specific ways studying abroad can benefit you in your future career: Continue reading “Launch Your Career by Studying Abroad”

Apply to be an ArtSci Student Ambassador

2014_teamIf you’re proud of your college and are looking for ways to get involved, apply to be a College of Arts & Sciences Student Ambassador.

Applications are available now. Click here: http://artsci.k-state.edu/ambassadors. Application deadline is Friday, March 13, 2015.

The College of Arts & Sciences Student Ambassadors promote pride in and develop awareness of our college among prospective students, parents, alumni, and the general public.

ArtSci Ambassadors are a group of approximately 30 dedicated undergraduate students who volunteer their time and talents at special events including: K-State Celebrates, Junior and Senior Days, the Eisenhower Circle Celebration, faculty events, Commencement, K-State Open House and much more!

Think you can’t study abroad? Think again!

SAlogo(150x150)The decision to study abroad isn’t always an obvious one. There are plenty of reasons why students choose to pass up this life-changing opportunity, but here’s why two of those reasons are just, well, bad.

1. I can’t afford it.

Many students assume that studying abroad is just too expensive before even looking into the options. In some cases, the cost of studying overseas is about the same as the cost of living in Manhattan and taking a full course load on campus. For example, exchange programs allow you to pay in-state tuition and fees (even if you’re an out-of-state student) while you study abroad. Likewise, some direct enroll programs cost less than a semester at K-State. If you receive financial aid, don’t assume you have to give it up; in most cases, your aid will go abroad with you. Plus, there are many scholarships available for students studying abroad, both through the K-State Office of International Programs and through other sources.

2. I won’t be able to graduate on time.

This doesn’t have to be the case! Throughout the study abroad planning process, you will work with your academic advisor and a study abroad advisor to ensure that all courses you take abroad will transfer back as K-State credit. It’s always a good idea to start planning early—for instance, do you have any K-State 8 requirements that you need to fulfill? Think about taking them while studying abroad! Chances are, you can work with your academic advisor to find courses overseas that meet those requirements (or even some of your major or minor requirements).

Convinced, or still skeptical? Either way, we encourage you to attend one of our Study Abroad 101 sessions, call us (785-532-5990), email us (abroad@ksu.edu), or stop by our office in 304 Fairchild Hall. We’d be happy to sit down and discuss how this life-changing opportunity can work for you!

Kara Warren
Study Abroad Office

The Value of Arts & Sciences Degree

twitterheader_braingraphicDid you know that 92% of 2014 Arts & Sciences graduates are employed our pursuing an advanced degree? An additional 3% are pursing other non-career activities, which means a whopping 95% of last year’s graduates are pursuing their dreams and already making a difference in the world.

What’s the reason for their success? One large component is the value of an Arts & Sciences education.

In a recent issue of A&S Letters Magazine, alumni discuss how their ArtSci degrees have given them an advantage in their career, but, in short, the answer lies in the way our college envisions an education.

We believe that an education incorporating the arts, humanities, and social and natural sciences empowers you to think critically, logically and independently; write and speak forcefully and effectively; analyze and interpret data; frame difficult questions and find answers; assess values; and approach others with understanding and compassion. Most importantly, these learned abilities will equip you to make a difference in the world.

You are part of a long line of successful people who have graduated from our college and we have no doubt that when you take advantage of this opportunity, you too will use your Arts & Sciences education to make a difference in the world around you.

To find out more about the value of an ArtSci education and talking points for interviews, click here.


Feb. 15 – Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant

Feb. 20 – College of Arts & Sciences Summer 2015 Undergraduate Research Scholarship 

Feb. 26 – Fulbright Summer Institute in the UK

Mar. 1 – Cargill Global Scholars Program

Mar. 3 – Gilman International Scholarship (PDF) Deadlines & Timeline link

Mar. 15 – Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship

Mar. 30 – Rhodes Scholarship (contact Jim Hohenbary to obtain campus application at jimlth@ksu.edu)

Mar. 30 – Truman Scholarship (contact Jim Hohenbary to obtain campus application at jimlth@ksu.edu)

May & August ArtSci Graduates

Congratulations! It’s that time. Spring 2015 commencement for the College of Arts & Sciences is Saturday, May 16 at 8:30 a.m. at Bramlage Coliseum.

We strongly encourage all our graduating seniors to participate in the commencement ceremony, however, participating in the ceremony does not mean that you have graduated nor have earned your degree. In order to do that, you must first submit Continue reading “May & August ArtSci Graduates”

Apply to be an ArtSci Student Ambassador

2014_teamIf you’re proud of your college and are looking for ways to get involved, apply to be a Student Ambassador. Applications will be available online Feb. 10, so bookmark this page and check back then: http://artsci.k-state.edu/ambassadors.

The College of Arts & Sciences Student Ambassadors promote pride in and develop Continue reading “Apply to be an ArtSci Student Ambassador”