Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Student Newsletter

Discover K-State Study Abroad

SAlogo(150x150)The K-State Study Abroad Office invites you to discover your passion in Paraguay, your independence in Italy, or your audacity in Australia. Whether you’re looking for an unforgettable summer experience or a year-long adventure, studying abroad is a life-changing opportunity that can open doors and expand your horizons, your career, and your future!

Curious about studying abroad but not sure where to begin? You can start by Continue reading “Discover K-State Study Abroad”

Knowledge from your College – Smartphone Breaks Matter

smartphonesWant to be more productive and happier during the workday? Try taking a short break to text a friend, play “Angry Birds” or check Facebook on your smartphone, according to Kansas State University research.

In his latest research, Sooyeol Kim, doctoral student in psychological sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences, found Continue reading “Knowledge from your College – Smartphone Breaks Matter”

Welcome Back!

Kimathi_ChomaCollege of Arts & Sciences Students,

Happy New Year and welcome back. I hope you had a relaxing and refreshing holiday break and that you are reinvigorated to start a brand-new spring semester. I’ve always loved the spring: it is a great time of renewal and revitalization. This spring we all have an opportunity to dig in and start the semester off very well, both academically and socially. Some of the exciting things that are going on in diversity right at the beginning of the semester are the 2015 Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Events. Please find the poster of events at http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/2015mlkweekposter.pdf (Thank you; Office of Diversity and University partners).  I invite you to attend as many events Continue reading “Welcome Back!”

Upcoming Events

KS-LSAMP – Ag-Industry Career Fair VIP Tour
A small group experience aimed to provide you with the information necessary to become familiar with on-campus career fairs.
Registration deadline: January 23
Click for more information (PDF)

MLK Observance Week
Kansas State University will host several events for its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Week, Jan. 26-30. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Growing a Soul for Social Justice.”
Event dates: January 26-30
Click here for more information

College of Arts & Sciences Teach-In
The College of Arts & Sciences invites you to join faculty members in meaningful dialogues about the pressing social issues of today and the legacy of activism at Kansas State University and beyond. Participants are free to come and go as schedules permit.
Event date: January 28
Click for more information

Continue reading “Upcoming Events”


Important dates & deadlines for a variety of scholarships:

Feb. 1 – Chapman Scholars Program

Feb. 15 – Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant

Feb. 20 – College of Arts & Sciences Summer 2015 Undergraduate Research Scholarship 

Feb. 26 – Fulbright Summer Institute in the UK

Mar. 1 – Cargill Global Scholars Program

Mar. 3 – Gilman International Scholarship (PDF) Deadlines & Timeline link

Mar. 15 – Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship

Mar. 30 – Rhodes Scholarship (contact Jim Hohenbary to obtain campus application at jimlth@ksu.edu)

Mar. 30 – Truman Scholarship (contact Jim Hohenbary to obtain campus application at jimlth@ksu.edu)

The Big Bang Theory: How Successful Careers Truly Begin

Quantrell WillisBy Quantrell Willis, Career Employment Services

This is an effort to explain what should happen at the very beginning of your career development for Spring 2015. Research has shown beyond a reasonable doubt that the launching pad for your career does in fact begin while in college. Let’s pretend that prior to this semester there was nothing; no career fairs and no orientation or visits to CES (Career and Employment Services). What would the beginning of your career development look like at this point in Spring 2015? How would you go from nothing to something? Continue reading “The Big Bang Theory: How Successful Careers Truly Begin”

What will you discover when you study abroad?

SAlogo(150x150)You may already think you know who you are. But if you’ve never stepped outside your comfort zone–whether that be Kansas, the United States, the English-speaking world, or any other culture to which you belong–then how can you really know what life is all about? The only way to know what’s inside you is to look at yourself from the outside. Reconnect with the heritage Continue reading “What will you discover when you study abroad?”