Kansas State University


Arts and Sciences Student Newsletter


Gain research experience and receive a scholarship!
Photo of Erin Frenk working in lab
Erin Frenk, senior in chemistry and MBA program

We’re committed to offering all Arts and Sciences students research opportunities. And we help make it possible by offering Undergraduate Research Awards every spring, summer and fall. Recipients get $1,000 awards to conduct research and creative projects with a faculty mentor. All degree-seeking undergraduate students in any major in the college are invited to apply.

Learn more, see who has received awards, and apply for Summer and Fall 2025 awards by March 1 and May 1!

Other research award opportunities are offered by the Johnson Cancer Research Center and Chapman Center for Rural Studies as well as K-State’s Office of Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research.


Mark Chapman Scholars Program

The Mark Chapman Scholars Program helps promising Arts and Sciences students fund meaningful summer projects early in their undergraduate careers. Five awards of $5,000 each are given annually—$3,000 to fund a summer activity and $1,000 per semester in the following academic year. Applications are due March 3.

Meet our 2024 Chapman Scholars below!


College and university awards for students and faculty members


ArtSci Mentorship Program — Register by Feb. 2!

Photo of 4 people sitting and chatting togetherThe ArtSci Mentorship Program is open to all undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Students are paired with professionals who provide insight and guidance for career preparation and help students develop a professional network. It is facilitated on WildcatLink; activate your account by signing in with your K-State eID. Sign up by Feb. 2 to be onboarded before the program launches Feb. 10. For questions, contact the program coordinator, Paige Altwegg, paltwegg@k-state.edu.


KS-LSAMP Scholars Program for minority students in STEM

Photo of smiling students making the WC (wildcat) hand signThe Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (KS-LSAMP) promotes recruitment and retention programs throughout Kansas to support the success of underrepresented minority students in STEM fields. Learn more from the LSAMP Scholars page. Apply by Jan. 31!


Apply to be an Arts and Sciences Peer Advisor!

graphic showing text about being a peer advisor and a photo of part of Calvin HallThe College of Arts and Sciences seeks juniors and seniors with 3.0 or higher GPAs to serve as peer advisors. Those selected will work closely with advising staff to serve students throughout the college. They will work about five hours per week at $10/hour. Learn more and apply by March 14. Questions can be directed to Christia Stein, academic advisor, cmstein@k-state.edu.


K-State Service Opportunities

Photo of K-State students outdoors near pile of trashNear or far, you can make a difference and learn through experience with K-State Service Opportunities! Volunteer for a day, weekend or month in Manhattan, elsewhere in Kansas, or in another state or country. You can participate independently or with friends or a student organization. Registration is happening now, so learn more today!


Apply to present at Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

Photo of students presenting research posters at the CapitolK-State will show off its top undergraduate research at the Kansas State Capitol, in Topeka, on Feb. 26, and you can apply to be a presenter! Applications are due Jan. 28. Learn more.


K-State Undergraduate Research Symposium

graphic showing event title and photo of people at past eventTue., April 15 | 1-3 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.
K-State Student Union, Ballroom and Courtyard

All undergraduate students participating in mentored research are encouraged to participate in this two-session symposium. They may exhibit traditional research posters or show artifacts that aid in presenting creative work. Start planning now and join the symposium Canvas page for information on poster design, presentation tips, printing and more. Registration closes March 23.

Learn more from Scholar Development and Undergraduate Research or by emailing SDUR@ksu.edu.


Office of Recruitment and Admissions is hiring!

ORA seeks undergraduate student workers for positions that offer excellent professional experience and flexible hours. Students must work a minimum of 15 hours a week. See full description on Handshake. For questions, contact Melissa Glaser, Engagement Coordinator, msg@k-state.edu.


Visit K-State’s One Stop Shop for help and resources

Photo of students in dorm roomK-State’s One Stop Shop is a great resource for information on academics, paying for college, student life, health and safety, and technology. Check it out whenever you wonder about money and jobs, involvement with groups and activities, housing, dining and more!